Continuing his path there was nothing extremely alarming as he passed through the town. Everyone was surprisingly calm in his presence, whether that was their façade or they simply felt safer with him around. Whatever the case was he continued on with his friendly smiles and waves as onlookers passed him. He hadn’t met up with any of the other ninja and his pursuit for Arano seemed to be lost on him. That boy was quicker than the ages that passed Heihachi. With such a low attention span and constantly buzzing around like a storm, it was a wonder why he hadn’t found him yet. If Arano knew his Sensei was looking for him, he would feel his domineering presence soon. They had a weird sage connection. Regardless of that Heihachi did begin to feel something [i]odd[/i] as his skin began to feel quite slimy. Coming up on an alley adjacent to a Ramen shop, Heihachi felt an eerie presence. That presence was only accompanied by a faint whisper that most no one could hear. Despite his age, Heihachi wasn’t losing much yet, hell even had a full head of hair. [i]”Come with me, Senju..”[/i] he heard in a hiss. There was no snake sage that Heihachi could recall of, but this person was definitely akin to the attributes that a snake defined. Heihachi looked around to make sure his presence wasn’t being watched. And so as reluctantly as possible, the old man followed nimbly behind the young snake. “What is it you want from me?” asked the sage running with his arms wrapped around his back.