[b]Name:[/b] Jocasta Ochoa [b]Breed:[/b] homid [b]Auspice:[/b] Ragabash [b]Tribe:[/b] Black Furies [b]Rank:[/b] Rank 2 [b]Gifts:[/b]rank 1: Spirit Smuggler (Black Furies, Sisterhood), Open Seal (Ragabash), Climb Like an Ape/City Running (homid); rank 2: Taking the Forgotten (Ragabash), Curse of Aeolus (Black Furies) [b]Personality:[/b] Jocasta is rather lighthearted and facetious compared to most of her more stoic sisters but when it comes to doing her job, she takes it serious, even if it does not appear so on the surface. Unlike the elders of her tribe, she does not generally have issue with men and will work with them though they are often targets for her barbed tongue. She has a playful nature, her humor encompassing silliness to dark, whatever the situation calls for. As a ragabash, she often tries to calm the hotter tempers of her kin with jokes, even self deprecating, whatever distraction it takes to ease the tension. She has a contrary nature, a joker, a thief, a manipulator. Jocasta is skilled in the art of stealth but not as much as one born in the waning of the New Moon. She is no warrior and it takes much to anger her but when she is confronted with the enemy and those she cares for are threatened, she will kill ruthlessly. Her strengths lie in deception and trickery, in disguise and stealth. [b]Biography:[/b] Jocasta is a homid, born to a homid mother and a human father though she does not ask questions about him. Males play no part in raising their children in the tribe of the Black Furies and what she knows of him was that he was a fine specimen of a human male and that is about it. Her mother, Atalanta, is an honored and feared Ahroun and she wanted the same for her only Garou offspring but alas, Jocasta was born in the dark of the moon. They are both members of the kuklos Sisterhood and live in a small rural sept in deep South Texas, near the Rio Grande. She is twenty six years old, having achieved some notable assassinations of vampire leaders in their masquerade as cartel drug dealers in Mexico as well as handling the deaths of some rather nasty characters who were trafficking women and children for the sex trade. Like the other Black Furies, she takes issue with abusers, especially those that target females. She has also recovered lost fetishes and assisted in hunts for lost cairns. She has been asked to become a Freebooter, hunters of relics and may leave the Sisterhood. A trickster thief by nature, she has stolen from some of the most dangerous criminals and escaped without their notice, utilizing mouse's gift of the forgotten. In her right of passage, she was gifted with visits of the raccoon spirit and that of the coyote. She accomplished the mission that was set before her, to steal back a stolen fetish of the Gorgons and was granted adult status among the Black Furies. She still was unsure of her place among the brave, honorable women warriors, especially in the shadow of her mother. It took her years of fighting her true nature and accepting her role in the pack but once she did, Jocasta bloomed into a formidable Fury. At age twenty, she met a human male who she fell in love with, running off with him in a wild, tempestuous affair that ended with her pregnant and she left heartbroken, the young man unable to cope with the idea of a child. Jocasta could have easily tracked him down but decided it was best that he was not in the picture anymore since he would not be allowed a role in raising the child. She went back home, bitter, sad and clinging to the hope of her unborn child. She prayed to Gaia for a daughter, so that she might keep the child but delivered a pair of twin boys. They were taken from her soon after birth and the rumor was Jocasta had been infected by the Metamorphic Wyld Plague since male births were supposed to be more rare among their tribe. Whatever the reason, the Black Furies do not allow homid males to stay and they were taken in by the Children of Gaia, a peaceful tribe who had good terms with the Furies. She had argued against it but lost in the face of the elders who kept the old ways. Always one to pick the side of the underdog, she found herself defending a young Metis male, who was on the verge of being thrown out of the sept for fighting, unable to control his wild mood swings. He is seven years younger than she but took to following her around everywhere and she took on a maternal role for the boy. She adopted him, jokingly referring to him as her ‘son’ and calls him Eddie, short for Oedipus, a play on her own name which is the same as the mother in the myth and just to piss off the elder matriarchs by mocking the serious issue of inbreeding among the Garou. Eddie is her muscle, she is the stealth and the brains. He is not the brightest, suffering from learning disabilities and mental issues. Usually easy going and affable, he does can have violent mood swings and it is hard for him to concentrate anything more than the simplest tasks. When he reverts to human form, he stands about 6’4 and is brick wall solid. His thick dark hair worn long and loose and has excessive body hair. He is nineteen but could pass for someone nearly ten years older with his heavy brooding features. Despite his fearsome appearance his green eyes are clear and have a look of innocence to them. He enjoys being in his Crinos form, as he feels it is natural state but living where he must interact with humans he is forced to revert to his homid state. He was taken in by the Black Furies as a child from his birth tribe, the Red Talons who are notorious for their poor treatment of Metis. She is often called on for scouting missions and those involving the taking of a particular item. Skilled at disappearing and confusing the enemy and getting into places she should not be, she delights in stealing, sometimes just for the joy of getting away with it. More comfortable in an urban setting and working with males than most Black Furies, she is deployed often to cities where her skill would be needed. [b]Equiptment:[/b] A satchel containing the tools of her trade, including gloves, lock picks, pliers, etc; a pouch of loose tobacco and rolling papers; a zippo lighter; smartphone, brass knuckles, and a Glock 30S .45 APC, fetish weapon: An ancient Greek designed sword that has been in her family for a long time. [hider=Falcata][img]http://www.imperiumancientarmory.com/images/Falcata_boneandbrass.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Appearance:[/b] Jocasta is about 5'4'' with an average build, neither overtly muscular nor soft. Her blend of Greek and Hispanic blood has given her light olive skin, black hair and warm brown eyes. A smile teases the corners of her mouth more often than not, showing the hint of dimples in her cheeks. [hider=Jocasta][img]http://www.denznet.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/dating-a-mexican-woman.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Crinos Form][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/364/4/f/werewolf_attack_by_stoudaa-d5ppzdi.jpg[/img][/hider] (let me know if I need to make changes, as I'm unfamiliar with the original RP and I haven't made a proper CS quite a while)