"I'm wearing clothes. Clothes for sneaking up on people. Isn't that obvious?" Kasumi retorted, turning to Chelle Lee and letting out a strained laugh. Laughing for extended periods of time definitely seemed to be something that Kasumi was not particularly good at. She made a mental note to keep to smirks, brief chuckles, and on occasion a single breathy laugh. That was probably for the best if she wanted to avoid looking any more ridiculous than she did when she attempted to laugh properly. "I didn't throw him on the ground. He did that himself." She added, motioning towards Dom with a grin on her face. Granted, they couldn't see it, but it was one of those things that was heavily implied, and she just had to hope that they'd get it. Her hopes were not high, however, given Dom's performance and obvious lack of perceptive ability. She briefly toyed with the idea of taking his PDA or his keys or his wallet, or maybe all three, but decided against it. Chelle was a much better target - the look in her eyes was vicious enough that Kasumi was fairly convinced she could rile Chelle up enough in order to get a clean swipe of her material possessions. "I don't have a deal. I like sneaking up on people. The weather isn't really ideal for it, though." She noted, pointing up towards the sky at the sun. If the pair had any wherewithal they'd realise that it was a classic ploy to shift their centre of attention so that Kasumi could become invisible again and circle around for long enough that she could surprise Chelle. Probably by stealing her stuff.