"Your right." She spoke to the air in front of her as she hunted around for a sign or glimore of hope for any escape to work. "But how, that's the question." She gave her new friend a little smile and attempted to feel optimistic about the whole situation. She grasped Jerry's hand tightly and pulled him towards the centre of the room, closer to the other inmates, she hoped he would follow. "We need to find out if anyone here is truly a threat to us. Or if we are all common allies." She spoke again to air but hoped for Jerry to pick up that it was directed towards him. Jessica reached the middle of the room and looked around at all the misfits and vagabonds, she thought aboutthem and attempted to do exactly what she was taught against, she would judge them all by appearance and rate them from that. Harsh perhaps mostly for that one with the anti biting garment covering his face but it was her initial preparation. "Has anyone here seen what lies beyond the walls of this building?" She yelled hoping someone was conscious when dragged inside. If they were on an island hope of escape was pretty low, but cities close by... now that was doable. She didn't know if anyone would care to answer some looked like veterans and wouldn't talk kindlyto a freshling girl.