It had only been a few second since she had announced that it was time to show her their work, and one of them had already come up and offered her their work. If she remembered correctly, this was a boy that she had lured him into this factory, his name was James. She could tell that he would never let her down, that he would always respect and honor her like the superior she was. Sure, it took awhile for him to finally submit, but now he's a valuable servant that she can't afford to throw away. He was one of the few Composers around here that actually would go far lengths just to serve her, and it was a trait in her slaves that she always wanted to see. "Well, you never really disappoint me, and I don't see a reason not to accept your work first. Maybe if you keep it up, I'll consider making you my personal servant..." Miku could tell how much she was to him in his life within the factory, and went to whisper in his ear the last part about offering him the chance to be her personal servant for the rest of his life. Sure, she saw value in the other Composers here, but James was somewhat the only one that appealed to her in some way.