Ivy found herself lost in Jötz stories in a way that made her feel unexpectedly homesick. She could just see in the murky darkness of the canals, but her mind drew images of barges doused in color, strung up with steamers and bunting and tongues of colored flame, exactly the sort of thing she'd have loved to see, even just a few days ago, but now felt distant and dangerous and strangely indulgent. She was nervous and excited enough by the time he mentioned a boat she was nearly vibrating behind him, standing on tip-toe, and probably walking entirely too close. "Where?" she gasped, whispering as though the boat might hear them and take flight. She squinted through the darkness, then gave up and darted around him to examine the barge by her own faintly blueish light. Ivy dropped to her knees at the edge of the dock, leaning out as far as she could to study Jötz find. The air around her smelled of rust and stagnant water, making her think the barge had been there for some time. But it [i]was[/i] still floating, bobbing gently on the water, and in the back of her mind, Ivy could imagine it dressed in paper streamers and confetti, floating down one of the canals, back to Motorhum, or even farther. A slightly manic grin suddenly lit upon her face, and in and instant, she was standing, shoving her winterbright contraption and her apron into Jötz's hands without so much as glancing at the Jaeger. "Hold that," she commanded impatiently, backing up the the crumbling wall behind her before taking a small running leap to land herself aboard the barge. At the last moment, her foot caught on the edge of the boat, pitching her forward to roll directly over the other side, landing with a resounding splash in the brackish water. "Owww," Ivy muttered distractedly, brushing dark hair back from her eyes as she searched for what made the barge go...and what else she could add. "Do you think the Canallers ever had barges that could [i]fly[/i]?"