Luke had always been a reflexive person. His body reacted a lot faster than his mind, and sometimes (or a lot of the times) he would have finished whatever he was doing before he'd even realize that he did it. Like that one time, when he and his parents were taking a boat ride to this remote island, his favorite cap was blown away by the wind. He had instinctively jumped for it, diving into the sea to reach for it. It was only after he had retrieved it that he realized what he had just done, and as his mind slowly caught up, he remembered that he didn't know how to swim in the first place. You could guess what happened next. His dad had to go in after him, and he wasn't allowed to leave their hotel room for three days. But he was digressing. Point was, Luke was quick to react, whether he liked it or not. His finger was on his nose the moment Anwen called out the game, and his feet were carrying him down the hallway and through the first opened room he came across. He was only vaguely aware of the others as they spread out. By the time his brain caught up, the first thing he realized was that he was under the stairs. There were thumps that came from the ceiling, probably as the others ran upstairs to hide. He was sure that Chris was one of them, as his heavier footsteps were distinctive. The next thing he realized was that it he was in a cupboard of some sort. Unopened boxes were strewn all over floor, most of them discolored and crumbling, showing their age. There was a dilapidated shelf across from him, with dusty containers, filled with gross-looking substances, lined up by height still on it. Cobwebs were on every nook and cranny. He thought he saw a spider crawl by, but as he tried to get a closer look, the door he'd left ajar had suddenly closed. Now it was too dark to… uh-oh. And that brings to him to his final realization. His eyes had adjusted quickly to the lack of light, so it didn't occur to him at first. But now that it had, a sudden surge of overwhelming panic coursed through his whole body and he fell to the floor as he tried to steady his suddenly erratic breathing. He frantically searched for his trusty flashlight, but it wasn't in his pockets; he had put it next to Aidyn's lantern outside. His thoughts were becoming jumbled as images of ghosts and demons popped in his head. He scrambled toward the door and immediately reached to open it, but there was only a hole where the knob should have been. In a fit of desperation, he had even thrown his whole body against the door, but it still wouldn't budge. "No." It came out as barely audible whisper. His eyes were welling up with tears even though he tried hard to keep them back. "No no no." His knees gave in then, and he felt any reaming strength he had seeped from him. He sat huddled against the door, arms wrapped around his head and eyes screwed shut.