Instead of answering, the troll slid sidelong into a dozing wall and was gone, thick lid closing over heavy eyes. Hap's tail twitched in curiosity then stilled as well. It had been many a year past remembering from the last time Hap had not known what tale was being referenced and curiosity was a welcome prick. Still, no need to harp at the exhausted creature on its floor. It folded the netting using a folding system which might keep it from tangling when it was lifted and moved, settling the edges still in need of work atop the rest, then set it to the side of the small chair. The Keeper rested in the quiet of the half dark of its home. The light from the grate cast bright needles of light against the walls, but they were so slight as to be of little use to anyone not accustomed to darkness. Hap's large pupils worked somewhat, though not half so well as Krell's, and knowledge of its home made up for the difference. All about were the minutiae of a lifetime in one place. Wilhelm was the dross of a life in motion. Hap let its gaze roam over the figure on its floor. He was smaller than he had seemed when insensate. His body pulled in a bit, he fit the furs of the main room just that much more and the life of him was quiet, like that of a pica, meant to keep to the dark. Suddenly, Wilhelm's voice rumbled into the stillness and the troll continued speaking of this Mother of his. Hap did not respond outwardly, almost certain the guest would lapse once more into sleep if given the space to do it. Still, there was a riddle here. Something living in the sun. The Mother inside of him, the sun? Wind? But no – wind was biting and cold, not warm and wet nor did it darken eyes. Having lived in the wastes so very long, Hap's people were lost to growing things outside of purchasing them and gathering them as they traveled now and then (so very few and far between were those days – how many years had it been since Hap had met with one of its own?) and the earth held only cold rock and colder death. It was a true mystery what was warm and wet outside of blood, the mouth, and a womb. “What I have inside these walls keeps you alive,” Hap said in a muted, surly manner, not reflective at all of the intense curiosity in its heart. The tip of its tail began to lash again, like that of an unschooled child's and it snorted in disgust, grabbed the offending thing and set the tip between hand and thigh to still it.