Aaron felt his heart begin to pound faster and louder than he had ever felt/heard it in his life. As he stood looking down at Olivia as she lied casually on the ground holding firm, no matter what anyone said, to taking a full and dedicated rest. Even though Aaron had never really been an outsider of the group and always did his best to involve himself whenever the group did activities together, any time Olivia would get near him Aaron would always clam up and try to maneuver himself so that he wouldn't embarrass himself. As Olivia crooked her head and watched Freddy tromp off she answered Aaron's original statement, [b]"Maybe he should right poetry..."[/b] The statement brought a hilarious image of Freddy at some dimly lit poetry club screaming his imaginative line of curses, both berating and insulting the patrons within it. Aaron let out an audible chuckle at the notion as he looked out to the giant teddy bear as he went about whatever it was that he was doing. A lull in the conversation brought Aaron back to looking at Olivia, specifically her frame as she lied casually stretched out on the road. As his eyes unconsciously ran down her frame Aaron felt his face turn beat red as he quickly raised his gaze back out across the field. The gentleman in Aaron was doing everything that he could to his eyes away from Olivia's frame, but raging hormones that seemed to have an ever tightening grip on his brain kept dragging his eyes back. As the great moral struggle raged in his head Olivia broke the silence that seemed to drag on forever, [b]"What are you doing standing up Aaron? Come lie next to me and rest for a second."[/b] Aaron felt his heart physically stop for a brief moment as Olivia finished her sentence. If it wasn't showing signs of being nervous, he was certainly showing them now. Aaron's face went through every gamut of red imaginable, his forehead began to profusely pour sweat, and Aaron swore that his heart was audible to anyone close enough to hear it. Not wanting to give any signs that he was about to explode Aaron slowly eased his way down beside Olivia and stretched his arms behind his head to form a cushion against the rocky road. In his head Aaron couldn't help take a moment and laugh at himself. For years he had been wanting to be in this exact position and now that he was here he couldn't think even think of what to do next. [b]“You know what’s funny? Or… well… it isn’t funny… but, whatever… I could lie here all day and just forget about all my responsibilities and then face the death penalty if I knew that my decision would have made me truly happy for just a second,"[/b] The sound of Olivia's voice calmed the raging storm in Aaron's head as he turned and looked at her while she spoke, the faint light of the stormy skies outlining the gentle features and contours of her face. At once everything seemed to fade away, his worries, his fears about the moment gone. Aaron listened to her words intently as she trailed off for a moment truly understanding what she felt at the moment. Liv quickly continued the conversation, [b]“I mean… ehh… I don’t know… I just like it here…”[/b] [b]"I know what you mean Liv, if there wasn't a war that we had to quell I think that I just might have to join you here."[/b] [b]“How are you feeling, anyway? It seems like it’s been a long time since we got around to talking,”[/b] Olivia inquired. The question actually took him back, Aaron hadn't thought about the last time the two of them had actually talked. In truth, now that he tried to remember it, he couldn't even think of the last time they talked. [b]"I've been worse. Most of the time, when we were back at Oakridge, I just trained on using my spirits and sword technique together."[/b] A long silence followed Aaron's answer. In his own mind Aaron was going yet another struggle in his head. He was trying to muster up the courage to finally ask Olivia what was really on his mind, thoughts and feelings were colliding with each other and numerous scenarios played through Aaron's already crowded mind. Finally, with the courage that he was looking for Aaron started trying to talk to Olivia again. [b]"Hey, Liv...there's something that I've been meaning to ask you for a long time now, but I've never been able to think of how to say it till now. I was wonder......"[/b] Olivia quickly jumped up and looked out the distance with a serious look of concern on her face, and as she went about figuring out what it was she saw all Aaron could think of was, [i]"FUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK!!!"[/i] ============================================================================== [center]COMBAT:[/center] Olivia had given the group their assignments for the fight as the Xenomorph's quickly approached. Aaron, with his swords drawn, stood beside Puck in front of Kat dutifully guarding her for the appropriate moment. As time seemed to draw to a halt Aaron gripped his weapon's handles so tight that his hand up to his wrist was turning white. He could feel his anger grow with each passing second as he watched as the Raptors continued their approach towards the group, when it suddenly dawned on him what he was going to do next. Before he could continue his train of thought the same voice from his room began ringing in his ear again. [i]"Aaron, don't do this....if you charge into the middle of those things you'll leave Puck and Kat almost defenseless. Puck won't be able to take on those Raptors by himself."[/i] The statement only seemed to make Aaron angrier as he crouched slightly into his charging stance. Once again the world was cleared of anything that might distract him, time began to slow down as he felt the wind begin build up under his feet. Once the Raptors had reached the desired distance, Aaron took off with a burst of speed towards the first Raptor that he saw. He could hear the others shout their angry sentiments at him but he didn't care, all that mattered to him was to kill the Xenomorphs in front of him. As he came within touching distance of his target Aaron quickly dropped to his back as he turned his blade away from him and, using his speed and his fire spirits to heat up the blade, cut through the creatures hind legs(Gamma). Once he stopped his momentum Aaron once again charged at his target this time coming down with both blades on the creatures side leaving two gaping wounds(Epsilon). A smirk inched its way across his face, although it was short lived, because now he was in the middle of the pack with all eyes turned on him. [i]"How in God's name am I gonna get out of this?"[/i]