[center][img=http://s12.postimg.org/bn9ppv1cd/Fantasy_Mystical_26105.jpg] [/center] [b] | Identity | [/b] Rorek Blood, Raven [b]| Origin & Backstory | [/b] [u]Heritage [/u] Azarath was an interdimensional realm that existed between the planes of known reality. It was once a veritable paradise with blue-green skies and crimson clouds. The streets were paved in solid marble and the buildings were accented with columns of pure gold. Hundreds upon hundreds of years ago, a mysterious woman known as Azar convinced a group of Earth humans to abandon the ways of man and embrace a world of peace and prosperity. Whether Azar was herself a native of Earth, or whether she originally hailed from Azarath itself has never been revealed. Leading her charges from Earth to Azarath, she guided and taught them the ways of peace for more than two centuries. These men and women established the Temple of Azarath and formed a mystic society. Ages ago, they decided to purge their bodies of all evil. Embracing the concept of peace, these humans exorcised the dark passions of their souls from their bodies and cast it beyond the Great Door of Azarath into the nether-realms. This leftover evil energy floated in space for years before finally coalescing into a single physical form. The last inhabitants of an alien world summoned this darkness from the ether and it impregnated a woman from the order. Nine months later Trigon was born. As an infant, Trigon slaughtered the very cult responsible for his birth including his own mother. In less than a year, he had conquered the entire planet. By the time he was six-years-old, he destroyed his home world and began traveling across the cosmos in search of new planets to conquer. By the time he was thirty, Trigon had conquered his entire dimension and several million worlds. Over the span of centuries, Trigon sired many children - all of whom he hoped would become extensions of his own great power. In many cases, the children of Trigon rebelled against him and were destroyed. Other times, their human mothers recognized the threat such spawn represented and killed them while they were infants. For all of the seeds he had spread across the dimensions, none of his offspring survived to become the heir of Trigon. Over two decades ago on Earth, a woman named Angela Roth had fallen in with an occult circle. Though they were rank amateurs in the field of Satanic ritual, they nevertheless attempted to summon the Devil. What they succeeded in conjuring was far worse. Trigon emerged and took Angela Roth as his bride. He left her pregnant with child then abandoned her, patiently awaiting the day when he could call his offspring to his side. Trigon manipulated the priests of Azarath to journey to Earth in search of Angela Roth. He knew that the mother of his soon-to-be child would be safe under the care of these pacifists. They found Angela and brought her to Azarath where she was renamed Arella. Not everyone in Azarath was pleased to know that the wife of Trigon was among them. But Azar, the granddaughter of the First Azar and leader of the Azarathians realized that should the child of Trigon be allowed to grow on Earth, his existence would threaten all life on that planet, and indeed, the entire universe as well. Shortly thereafter, Arella gave birth to a son who was provided an Azarathian name - Raven. From the very moment that Raven was born, the entire reality of Azarath changed forever. Raven once described the moment of his birth and its effects on Azarath. "It's emerald skies turned black as death itself. The sweet smell of Gossamer became the pungent odor of Brimstone. Our world shook and rumbled with protest. And peace turned to fear. Life became death." (Information taken from DC WIKI) [u]Early Life (1996-2008) [/u] Raven was known as an incredibly curious and volatile child. His emotions would switch from happy to sad in an instant. Unfortunately, it was his emotions that controlled his powers. Numerous tantrums resulted in destroyed buildings and no less than a few broken bones. The Azar, recognizing the young boy’s lack of inner peace would take the child under her wing and begin to teach him the mysteries of Azarathian magic and emotional control. Raven took to the studies with a fervor that surprised the aged Azar. Only a boy of twelve and already he was mastering spells far beyond his years. The demonic blood within his veins augmented such prodigious talent. His talents and sickly form set him the object of much ridicule by his peers. This scorn led the boy to shun the people of Azarath. And many became fearful of him. The Magistrate of Food Production, Juris, felt that Raven's existence threatened the sanctity on all life on Azarath. To safeguard his people, he elected to break Azarath's most sacred law - the taking of a human life. Snatching Raven from his studies under the guise of teaching the boy a new spell, he attempted to hurl the Teen through the Great Door into the Limbo realm separating Azarath from other dimensional worlds and planets. Upon opening the door however, he exposed himself to the incomprehensible power of Trigon who disintegrated him with a mystical magical blast of golden glowing energy. Raven, however, was mesmerized by the power and his blood sang. Trigon burst through the Great Door and possessed the young teenager. Wielding the boy’s untapped potential, Trigon slew the inhabitants of Azarath in vengeance. The souls of the Azarathians were forever lost as Trigon devoured their mystical energy. Even the great Azar was no match for his power. And so Trigon entered the realm of Azarath and made it his throne. Raven, now left without the possession that had controlled his being, was left in utter horror as he observed the broken forms of his mother and the Azar. The boy barely had time to realize his predicament before his father transported him to the realm of Earth leaving him with the warning, [b]“Prepare for my coming to this realm, my child.” [/b] [u]Life on Earth (2008-Present Day) [/u] Lost and alone, Raven’s demonic blood was a beacon for all manner of danger. Numerous beings of darkness prowled near the boy and sought to claim his power for their own. The Presence, however, had different plans for the boy. Recognizing the potential for good within the child, the Presence sent its agent The Spectre to the boy. As Raven slept underneath the Spectre’s watchful eye, numerous creatures of blood and darkness were vanquished as they tried to steal the boy’s power for their own. While Raven never directly interacted with the agent of Wrath, his supernatural prowess let him know that he was watched over. Raven made his way on the streets for two years until the guidance of the Spectre would lead him to Gotham City where he would find his new guardian, Jason Blood. Blood was surprised at first to find the spawn of the Demon Trigon upon his doorstep, but the watchful gaze of the Spectre convinced him to let the child into his home. Raven would speak but little as he was accepted by Blood into the home, but slowly the two entered into a pleasant apprenticeship of the magical arts. Raven even going so far as to take a new name. Taking the name Rorek after a great wizard centuries ago, Rorek is legally Blood’s son. Under Blood’s tutorship, Raven has made some connections with the magical beings of the Earth despite his own social awkwardness. Most noticeable of these is an odd friendship with Klarion the Lord of Chaos and a rivalry with the former dragon Malchior. Years have passed in some semblance of happiness with Raven even going so far as to enroll at the University of Gotham for a degree in Psychology, but the half-demon has felt the growing anxiety of his biological father’s arrival upon the Earth. Together with Jason Blood, the eighteen year old now seeks to find a way to prevent the destruction of his new home. [b]| Character Notes | [/b] [u]Allies [/u] [b]Jason Blood[/b] is the world leading expert on the occult and demonology. He started life as Jason Blood of Norwich was a nobleman and Knight of King Arthurs court in the 6th Century. The demon Etrigan was originally summoned by the wizard Merlin as part of a last-ditch defense of Camelot against the evil witch, Morgaine le Fey. When it became clear that the kingdom would fall regardless, Merlin sent the demon away and bonded him into a human named Jason Blood to wait until he was summoned. Jason Blood was called to the crypt of Merlin and discovered a poem that could change him into Etrigan. Unfortunately, he was followed by the long-lived Morgaine who lusted for Merlin's secrets. That led to one of Etrigan's major battles and to the solidification of Morgaine as a major enemy. By being bonded to the Demon, Jason Blood was now immortal and lived throughout history fighting the forces of darkness. In the 20th Century he moves to the United States and makes Gotham City his home. [b]The Spectre[/b] is a cosmic entity and the physical embodiment of God's vengeance on Earth. Permanently bonded to a human soul, he uses his incredible divine powers to punish the truly wicked, usually ending his victim's lives in creative and ironic ways. His existence is in response to the failure of Eclipso, the spirit of God's wrath that turned completely malevolent and evil. He is currently bonded to Crispus Allen, a cop in the GCPD. [b]Klarion, Lord of Chaos,[/b] is an odd fellow in that one never really knows which side he is on. As an embodiment of Chaos magic, Klarion tends to have very little that is stable. His friendship with Raven is one of convenience, but also tinged with deep respect for their shared studies in sorcery of the Highest Orders. [u]Enemies [/u] [b]Malchior[/b] was a large hulking, evil dragon nearly 1000 years ago. Malchior was challenged by the expert magician and wizard Rorek. When Malchior was about to kill the hero, Rorek used a curse to contain Malchior in a book for the rest of his life. Present day, Malchior's book was among the ones in Blood’s library. Raven enjoyed the book and, one day, Malchior began talking to Raven through the book. Instead of telling the truth about his identity as a dragon, Malchior said that he was the wizard, not the dragon. He and Raven bonded very well and the dragon taught Raven the basics of Dark Magic. Eventually, Raven freed Malchior from the book. The Dragon broke free from the book, but was suddenly changed into the mortal form of a man by Klarion. The Lord of Chaos watched in amusement as Raven and Malchior dueled. In the end, Malchior was defeated and fled to parts unknown. [b]Trigon[/b] is a powerful demon lord existing in the Azarath dimension. His son is Raven, born from his union with the human woman Arella. The Demon Lord wishes to use Raven as a gateway to conquer Earth. [u]Locations of Note:[/u] Azarath: Once the home of the peaceful Azarathians, it is now the throne of Trigon the terrible. His dominion is unassailable. University of Gotham: The ivy league university of the Gotham-Bludhaven residents was established in 1901 by the Kane family, originally named Kane College it was systematically renamed in 1948. It serves with highly sought after psychology courses, business courses, and the liberal arts. Jasmine Bookshop: A simple bookshop in China town just a few blocks away from Dixon Docks, the Jasmine Bookshop is one of the few bookshops in the world that freely sells Arcane texts. Blood Manor: An older mansion on the outskirts of Gotham, few people know it even exists due to the numerous protective wards. It is the home of Jason and Rorek Blood. [u]| Powers & Abilities | [/u] Empathy: Psionic ability of empathy, the power to absorb emotions, enabling him to feel the feelings of others. Emotion Negation: He can also use his empathy to steal emotions from others, rendering them emotionally "numb". Empathic Healing: He can absorb the pain of injured people to ease their suffering, and induce rapid healing. This cannot be done to major injuries. Soul-Self: Raven can manifest his "Soul-Self" through astral projection. It normally takes the form of either his human shape or a giant raven. Astral Projection: Through the use of his soul-self, Raven can project his consciousness into the mind, for therapeutic purposes (to aid in his own meditation, or to help calm an agitated ally), or for offensive attacks, rendering his enemies unconscious. Teleportation: It also serves as a way to travel into other dimensions. Using his soul-self, he can teleport himself and others over vast distances. Flight: With his telekinesis, Raven is capable of limited flight. Sorcerer: Not in small part to his demonic blood, Raven is a combat sorcerer of the highest caliber. The twenty year old is capable of performing advanced pyrokineses and telekinesis. He is capable of numerous rituals and protective magics, though not to any advanced extent. Arcane Knowledge: Under the tutelage of Jason blood, Raven has a decent grasp of the Occult and Demonlogy. Raven has spent the majority of his life studying the arcane arts and is knowledgeable about most forms of magic. [b]| How is this character different? | [/b] This Raven is a blend of the Teen Titans cartoon, pre-52, and my own unique twist. He is male, but also suffered the destruction of the Azar and his mother as opposed to them living. Furthermore, he is the adopted son of Jason Blood and the Presence seems to have a desire to have him on the side of good. I do recognize that integrating the Presence into the backstory has the potential for going a little crazy with power in future posts. So to avoid that and Godmodding, The Spectre and Presence will offer no real assistance in the coming RP. As Raven has grown stronger, the Spectre has moved on. So the Presence will have no effect on Raven’s story aside from sending the Spectre to Raven in his past. [b]| What is your goal with this character? | [/b] My goal with this character is first of all just to have fun and contribute to the fun of others in this role-play. On a more character development oriented goal, I’d love to see Raven begin to interact more with others and really become a hero as just opposed to an occult expert. He has had a tragic past, but nothing really to push him into that role of being a true hero. So I’d like to see that develop. Personality wise, I’d love to see him really develop true friendships with fellow heroes. On a story-development line, preparing for the arrival of Trigon will be a major point. [b]| Sample Post | [/b] Raven’s nose twitched as the pungent aroma of sulfur and incense began to suffuse the room. The young man’s chanting did not cease however as he continued chanting in meditation. Such smells were common in this home. “Azarath. Metrion. Zenthos," Raven murmured as his lithe form hovered in the air with his legs crossed and eyes closed. The comfort of a queen-sized bed rested underneath the young man as he slowly opened his eyes. Not much could be made out in the darkened room, but three large bookshelves covered the walls. Numerous arcane texts filled the wooden shelves. The young man floated to the edge of his bed and stood. The slightest hint of annoyance could be seen on his face as he dressed in a simple black t-shirt and blue-jeans. Shoulder-length brown hair framed his angular face from which purple eyes gazed out. The young man flicked his fingers and a light of unknown origins lit the room. Raven grimaced as he looked into the mirror upon the wall. His hair would need to be dyed soon again. There was a purple tint starting to make its way known. Raven open his door and walked down the darkened hallway towards the kitchen. His eyes widened ever so slightly at the sight of his adopted father sitting next to an unconscious succubi atop the dinner table. The young man shook his head and stated, “Tell me you didn’t sleep with her.” Jason Blood looked up from the arcane text he had been reading and the barest hint of a smile graced his face, “I would never be so foolish. My soul is damned enough to Hell as is. Rorek, if I may,” the occultist motioned to the sensual form of the Succubi, “This is Arenairic. She required my assistance in enforcing a contract. Don’t you have class in an hour?” Raven nodded as he took a glass of the steaming tea resting upon the counter top and turned. His eyes turned toward the demon and then back to Jason, “Yeah, Abnormal Psych and then Calculus afterwards. After that I’ll head to work.” Jason nodded and then turned back to his text. The barest hint of jasmine wafted through the air as a black globe enveloped Raven and then the young man was gone. The day passed normally for the young Sorcerer as he went through his classes and then his job at a local bookshop. The way home was somewhat more eventful. “Stop!!! Help!!!” The cry of a woman rang out as Raven turned the corner on the street. While the young man typically preferred to teleport, that night he had decided to enjoy the midnight air. Raven was disgusted to see two burly men pulling a woman into an ally. With a sneer, the young half-demon closed his eyes and murmured something for the barest moment before his eyes opened with a dark red glow. Strands of magic in another realm moved and the fear that was so apparent in the woman being assaulted was suddenly turned upon the men; magnified beyond what the woman even knew. The men screamed in horror and released the woman. So horrified were these men that they dropped to the ground, frothing at the mouth. Their minds were lost to the annals of insanity. The woman ran, never knowing why those men had acted as they did. Some blocks away atop a roof-top, a young man with pale skin retched and shivered in utter disgust at the emotions he had taken from the men.