[quote=Kingfisher] I wasn't aware that criminals were renowned for being honorable and trustworthy, but if the GM's want me to change that element of the CS then I shall.[/quote] While mobs/mafias obviously operate outside of the law, they are indeed honorable and trustworthy in their own skewered sense. Naturally they have a different perception of honor and while they wouldn't be above using the supplied information I couldn't see one being able to join them. Additionally for most mobs/mafias, you need to have someone put their life on the line being willing to vouch for you. A mob or mafia acts like a family, and blood is thicker than water. Add to that the need for the proper ethnic background and relations, the mobs are almost impossible for a random person to join. All that means, Duela would have a very hard time joining and an even harder time leaving, there would have been a huge price on her head the moment she betrayed her first mob. Gangs on the other hand would be easier to infiltrate but no less hard in terms of leaving. [quote=Kingfisher] If the whole "criminal ring-leader" type deal isnt working for you guys, then I might simply re-write her to be more of a spree-killer than a crime boss, seeing as in the comics it's the Joker's face that makes her cronies follow her, which is obviously lacking in this incarnation.[/quote] We aren't against a ring-leader, it just doesn't come across as believable with the current CS. That said I personally like the spree-killer idea more as I feel your style of writing, voice and tone all seem to suit it a bit better. [quote=Kingfisher] Right now my laptop is completly fried, so I might not be able to get a revised CS up prompto, but I'll try my very best.[/quote] No need to rush! We aren't going anywhere. Looking forward to seeing your revisions.