Hope you don't mind, but I think I'll give a shot for the Data Collectors leader as well. She's gonna be a bit of an oldie, but I recall reading that the leaders should be older anyway. [b]Name:[/b] Ren Tunet [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age (13-18):[/b] 26 [b]Alliance (Vaccine Crusaders, Data Collectors, or Virus Hackers):[/b] Data Collectors [b]Role in Alliance (Leader or Member?):[/b] Leader [b]Appearance:[/b] Ren has light brown straight hair that is shoulder-length and pale green eyes with large round glasses. Her build is slim and petite (height standing at 5'3"), whilst her skin is pale. She prefers to wear businesslike attire, having a professional-looking collared lilac shirt with a black skirt that goes down to her knees. [url=http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/1105336554/free-shipping-2013-Women-s-fashion-formal-work-wear-set-fashion-office-lady-stripe-shirt-professional.jpg]Her outfit pretty much looks like this.[/url] This woman always has a prim and proper-looking clean appearance, with outfits pressed and ironed to near perfection. [b]Personality:[/b] As one might guess from the way Ren chooses to carry herself, she is a very dignified individual. Serious, fact-oriented, logical, and more than a little uptight. Many describe her as a "hardass librarian." And that is exactly the type of personality one needs to be in charge of the Data Collectors. Intensely curious, she is further characterized by a thirst for new knowledge and information. If there's information out there, there's a good chance she can find it for you. Although stern and kind of judgemental, Ren is a surprisingly amicable individual once you get to know her. She is not only booksmart, but wise, and is never unavailable to provide some good sound advice. Ren believes highly that information and knowledge are the equalizers of everything. With just enough data, anyone can reach the greatest of heights. Thus, she is always willing to give even the most unseemly and crude-looking of individuals a chance to prove themselves to her and to clean themselves up in general. Though be warned, if you squander your chance, she won't hesitate to send you out the door. Of course, due to the fact that she tends to be so serious and idealistic, she can often be impractical. Ren is more cerebral than anything else and doesn't quite think about the DOING so much as the PLANNING and COLLECTING OF DATA. As a result, some of her plans can be a little on the wacky side of things without much regard as to what is actually possible in reality or having the proper tools to care for oneself. She often gets so consumed in the pursuit of knowledge that she forgets to eat. [b]Biography:[/b] When life first began for Ren in Odaiba, things weren't all that difficult. She had a father, a mother, and a brother. But around the age of 3, everything changed. Ren's father left the family to pursue another relationship and left her mother pregnant with yet another child. Soon, the relative normality of her home was forgotten as chaos set in. They were poor and they struggled greatly, which led to Ren often being shoved to the wayside as the oh-so-dreaded Middle Child. Her mother was human, after all, and only had so much attention she could pay to the children whilst juggling a low-paying job. She felt like little more than an afterthought most of the time, but she became used to it, immersing herself deeply into books and often taking trips to the library to escape the chaos. Technology began to swiftly advance, and a librarian who noticed Ren's constant presence introduced her to the magic of computers. From the start, she became immensely fascinated by this device that removed the limitations of mere paper, and she quickly got proficient at managing the library systems and searching through databases of information. They called her the Girl Who Could Find Anything. As all of this was happening, she noticed that a peculiar phenomenon she read about in a book once. Digimon, strange creatures made of data, were now a common thing in the real world. She could hardly believe it and found it to be fascinating, but never really did much to pursue the subject any further. At the age of 16, she began a library assistant and begun to garner a following there. She rose higher through the ranks of the library, gradually making more and more money to get her family out of their financial straits. It was then that she began to believe in the power of collecting knowledge and data, its ability to bring people together in the library and deliver them away from their miseries. With the power of data, anyone could be equal. Money didn't even matter, nor did the fact that she was once a disregarded middle child. Everyone could be equal if they tried hard enough. She soon came to find out that without a Digimon, she was not quite equal enough. All scores of misaligned tamers and their Digimon would come to desecrate her precious library, with some hackers even penetrating the databases, and she only had her fans to defend its hollowed knowledge. They implored her to get a Digimon of her own to protect the library, and to further aid in the collection of knowledge. Ren agreed and using the database, she searched for a worthy partner in the Digital World. After countless weeks, she found one. A curious Wisemon heard Ren's plea for a partner, and found that it would be a rather interesting experiment to exercise. After all, he had traveled far and wide through the Digital World in search of knowledge and felt he had learned nearly all there was to know about it. A human partner would be something new, more knowledge to add to his book, especially since this one had the noble goal of protecting precious data and information. A Digivice soon appeared before Ren and she was told by the Wisemon to point it at the computer screen. He materialized before her in the real world, losing energy and de-digivolving to Psychemon in the process. Since then, Ren's library fans came to form the guild of the Data Collectors, with them deftly appointing her as its leader. A bunch of tamers organized through the pursuit of knowledge and data, collecting it for the good of everyone, for the equality of all. But this wouldn't stop the rivalries with the other guilds from forming, something that Ren herself has gotten a little [i]too[/i] sucked into. She sees the other groups as obstacles in the pursuit of knowledge and especially has a particular dislike for the Virus Hackers, due to her previous experiences. [b]Digimon Partner (put its rookie form here):[/b] Psychemon [b]Partner's Personality:[/b] Cold and calculating, Psychemon isn't much for emotional displays. He only thinks in terms of pure data and numbers, and only cares about expanding the information in his knowledge repositories. Though his original form is Wisemon, he stays as a Psychemon due to not having enough energy to maintain this form in the real world without the help of Ren. He and Ren aren't so much partners as they are colleagues, with him seeing his tamer as a respected co-worker. Ren has no real qualms with the nature of their relationship, as she sees Psychemon in very much the same way. Though he'd rather not admit it, he has actually come to care for the girl over the years. And it would seem that Ren has also come to care about him. Not that either of them will admit it. It'd be rather awkward. [b]Digimon's Digivolution Forms (from In-Training to Mega):[/b] - In-Training: [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Tsunomon]Tsunomon[/url] - Rookie: [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Psychemon]Psychemon[/url] - Champion: [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Gururumon]Gururumon[/url] (Has purple stripes instead of the blue in the picture) - Ultimate: [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Astamon]Astamon[/url] - Mega: [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Wisemon]Wisemon[/url] *Note: The entire line here is Data attribute.