[b]Shio[/b] "I like Velare," Shio commented, turning to survey some of the other shops at a distance. It was, she felt, a response many people would insert into the conversation. However, it ended there, quickly diverting to introductions, for which Shio had a long pause. "I am Shio of the Enyo family. We are Exorcists," It was an equally dryly conveyed comment. It wasn't a dry out of boredom, but out of a difficulty of understanding how to inflect her voice appropriately for the situation. Shio rarely listened to music and the only thing she knew about it was a few famous names, and only one female name in that list. "Are you Saylor Twift?" she asked Chelle, considering the possibility that Chelle was using a cover name in this instance to avoid drawing attention to her fame - as she had brought up the fact she was a part of a band and on tour. Shio didn't really grasp how many famous musicians there might be,