Willie waited a moment before doing anything else, he wanted to see if the man was willing to try something. Nobody else was spotted during lookout but even so they needed to get inside as soon as possible. If this was some type of distraction and this guy had a friend watching and waiting in the distance, being outside wasn't safe. It wasn't fun having to be so cautious but these days caution is what keeps you alive. This man looked like trouble, but even if he didn't Willie wouldn't dare let his guard down until he was sure he wasn't a threat. [b]"Belle!"[/b] He shouted, and immediately a woman opened the door, pointing a glock at the stranger. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she didn't look a day over thirty, the way she trained her pistol on the man showed she had definitely used the gun countless times. Belle began patting the stranger down with one hand and aimed her gun with the other, should he try anything. [b]"Sorry bout' this"[/b] Willie said to the man. This wasn't the first time he and Belle had to pat down a someone and even so things sometimes turned out pretty bad. Belle finished and held in her left hand a Beretta M9 along with a standard army knife. Willie gently pushed his carbine into the strangers back. [b]"Let's go inside man,"[/b] Belle stayed outside for a moment, observing the area to make sure nobody was coming, then followed the two inside, closing and locking the door behind her. Willie lead the guy to their living room, motioning him to take a seat on a couch. He and Belle both lowered their guns and were now facing the stranger. This was the first time Willie looked at the man up close, apart from watching him walk up to their house through a pair of binoculars. He seemed dangerous, his eyes told a not so pleasant story. The stranger looked like he had been through a war, both physically and mentally. [b]"My names Willie, and this is my partner Belle. Sorry we had to pat ya' down'an what not. I'm sure ya know how things can be now'days."[/b] Willie took a seat on a couch opposite of the stranger, a coffee table lay in the middle of the two with an assortment of ammunition, canned foods, and silverware sprawled all over. Belle walked into the kitchen, placing the stranger's weapons on the counter and picked up a pair of binoculars. She began to observe the neighborhood, in case the stranger had any friends. The house looked like it had been occupied by the two for quite some time. There were clothes, bags and equipment scattered about. The place looked lived in and somewhat cozy, even considering the dangers of living in the suburbs. Willie turned on the safety on his rifle and placed the stock on the floor. He held the barrel of the rifle with one hand and rubbed his chin with the other, observing the guy for a moment. [b]"What brings you to our doorstep stranger?"[/b]