[quote=Dinh AaronMk] My main qualm with the app is how it takes a presumptuously strong voice of itself. It doesn't really stop to go, "Yes, this is actually a joke and here is how it works a year post-war". [/quote] If you want, I can rewrite some time tomorrow to better illustrate the application, though it really depends on whether you're willing to accept a nation that is moderately tongue-in-cheek. [quote=Keyguyperson] There was never any nuclear exchange because a nuclear exchange with all of today's arsenal would physically destroy the planet. [/quote] [quote=Benji][i]...years of testing and disposal...[/i][/quote] [quote=Keyguyperson]And then the attack would be delayed because everyone would be laughing at how stupid the Welsh are.[/quote] [quote=Benji]The implication is that the system is pathetically unstable and out of touch - when you have to fight a war with a region where the population density is a joke and suffer horrific losses, and when your leader has no political experience, you're going to get cut down the moment they pick a fight with anyone who knows how to operate any sort of war tech.[/quote] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m93el33p6G1qzdphh.gif[/img]