Magnus woke up for the second to the sound of steady clopping, slow and contolled across the hard cobble streets of Damascus. He lifted his head wearily and scanned his surroundings which were nothing but incoherent blurs, he took a few moments to blink and rub his eyes so he could see clearer. The man looked down at the commandeered horse and gave a mirthless chuckle. "strange dream." he sighed finally and straightened, making himself look as if he'd been riding the horse and not being unconscious. "Umm, it wasn't a dream." a whisper spoke from the darkness ahead. Magnus sighed, "first I leave Bethlehem for a desert, then I get infected and now I am a freak that can talk to animals.", he slumped more visibly now he knew he was different, all of a sudden he wished he never left and was tempted to return home and become a supreme inquisitor but that was behind him now. They continued to clop around the back streets, an awkward silence clinging to them as they went. "So... what's your name?" asked Lelana hesitantly, turning her head towards him but not looking him in the eye. "Magnus," he replied awkwardly, disbelief still permeating his head "Lelana I presume?" he asked again to keep the conversation rolling. after a few minutes of small talk Magnus grew more relaxed to the fact he was an animal understanding freak, 'this can't be all bad.' he told himself in his mind reassuringly as their banter died down. They clopped down a slightly more well lit road, tidy shop fronts on each side all dark apart from two places, a herbalist and an inn, The Tired Traveller. Both at that point seemed excessivly attractive, one for his and Lelana's wounds and the other to sleep, a stable round the back for his mount, however he decided that the herbalist was the best choice. He  agreed with himself that dealing with their wounds were more important then petty sleep. 'not that much more important.' He hitched Lelana on a convenient post and was about to go in when, "where ya going?" she called out meekly, making him turn around, she was scuffing her hoof on the cobble, her eyes not meeting his. "I'm going to go get us something for our wounds," he replied tentatively, slowly coming back to her and lifting her head to see him, "why?" "just asking you know, I've lost one master and I don't feel like losing another so soon." she looked at him with worried eyes, they glinted in the lamp light of the herbalist. He felt a heavy pang in his heart, looking at the scared horse, she'd probably been through more in that one day then she'd been through het whole life. 'poor thing.' "I'll be back soon, I promise." he smiled assuringly and walked through the door. after haggaling and a little bit of threatening he secured the needed medicine and strolled out of the store with a smile on his face, he waved the bottle at Lelana and he could have sworn she cracked a small smile. He removed the bandage from her flank and gently applied the soothing serum, rubbing it into her flank in circular strokes. By the time he was done, tiredness had set in and he was in need of a bath and a sleep so he crossed the road to the inn and entered to see if there was an available room.