Dom tried to smother a chuckle as Shio the Exorcist mistook Chelle Lee for Saylor Twift but failed. A muscle underneath Chelle Lee's eye twitched and her mouth drew into a tight, straight line. "You... she..." she sputtered as she struggled to find the words. "[i]No![/i] I am [i]not[/i] that cow of a shitty country singer. We sing rock! Heavy rock! Electric Hazard, look us up!" She reached into her pack, pulled out a handful of business cards, and hurled them towards Shio, sending them fluttering everywhere. "You're [i]both[/i] idiots!" she said, rounding on Fox-Face. Then the self-proclaimed assassin vanished. Dom's heart skipped a beat as a blur of motion moved from Fox-Face's position, and he stepped closer to Chelle Lee, putting a shoulder in front of her. "I think we might have pissed her off," he muttered under his breath. Behind him, Chelle Lee had frozen solid, unmoving aside from her eyes, which were scanning every corner of the market in front of them. With a whistle from Dom, Spaz fluttered down from the stall and landed on his shoulder while Needles lowered his body towards the ground. "Okay, lady, yeah, we're sorry. We're just gonna go now, yeah?" "No, Dom, we aren't." "[i]Yes[/i], Chelle Lee, we are," he said through gritted teeth as he took a step back, forcing Chelle Lee to back up as well. Dom continued to scan the market in front of them, but all he saw was Shio standing there awkwardly, not quite involved but not really detached, either. Fox-Face was nowhere to be seen. He was stepping backwards again when Chelle Lee gave a muffled shriek. The two spun and found Fox-Face standing behind them, twirling a PDA through her fingers. [i]Chelle Lee's[/i] PDA. Dom noticed that a split second before his friend did. He felt a flash of anger was over him, but he forced it to the back of his mind and acted before Chelle Lee lost it completely and did something stupid. Stepping in between Fox-Face and Chelle Lee, he held out his hand. "Okay, you've proved your point. You have a bigger dick than me and Chelle Lee combined." He flashed what he hoped was a disarming smile as his heart slammed against his chest. "Happy? Just give it back and we'll leave you to your... assassin-ing." He forced himself to take a small step towards Fox-Face so that she could easily drop the PDA into his hand.