[center][b]Raven[/b] >Outside Male Dorms<[/center] Raven looked just as young as the man who introduced himself though obviously she was indeed older than he. Even covered by a decorative mask and splendid attire one could simply tell. By his long winded sighs and the dreary tone of his voice, Tyler seemed already depleted by CTS…and it had not even begun. She felt responsible in a way, to protect students from bullies. Her whole three years so far were chock-full of torment, and it was a wonder she remained here. [i]“And yeah, we should probably all head to the Grand Hall, before it’s too late.”[/i] Suggested the youngster but Raven immediately corrected her slouchy pose, and straightened up as if caught red handed. Pearly front teeth bit down gently on her pink tinted lip before she spoke in a mixture of guilt and sorrow. [b]“I am not invited…I can’t go—uh, don’t mind me though. You should go, I insist.”[/b] A pleasantly faux smile formed to the best of her ability but only a very observant individual would be able to detect its deception. [b]“I was looking for someone…but I would be happy to escort you two back. It’s no problem.”[/b] The smile following this statement held genuine as fingers twisted a lock of wavy hair. She truly did not wish to return to that place. --- [center][b]Terra[/b] >Second floor, above Grand Hall<[/center] Diamond heels continued trekking up the set of stairs to an open viewed second level. After finally accessing engraved double doors, Terra strolled down a virtually endless hallway toward where the Headmistress readied herself. Not knowing what lay behind, the distant student hesitated for a brief moment before manicured fingers flung open a dual arched entrance-way. She feared the worst but tried to stay optimistic. In her mind the daunting question swirled…would the Headmistress survive until the end of the year? Just as Terra feared--inside, a timeless older woman tightly clutched a monogrammed handkerchief blotched with red to her mouth. Deep gasping followed after coughing violently, for the Headmistress struggled for breath. Terra rushed to her staggered side--catching the frail body before she fainted backward. Due to Supernatural strength Terra could swoop down with ease and pick up the weak Headmistress if the situation called. Perhaps that is why the older woman felt so safe around the stone bound pupil. [b]“Let me make the announcements, you need to rest.”[/b] Terra tried to reassure but underneath her assertive demeanor the Junior felt terrified in this situation…though she hid that fact well. “None sense, it will pass…Did you?” The Headmistress did not need to continue on with the sentence since Terra already knew the meaning. [b]“No, I am sorry.”[/b] Charcoal colored tresses swung as Terra shook her head. Though the Headmistress already suspected the news she felt a strong need to ask never-the-less. A long drawn out silence ensued as she paused in deep thought before swallowing down any lingering emotions. Shaky hands quickly straightened out any crinkles lying atop the deep maroon organza fabric she sported. “No matter, let us take leave then.” She tossed the bloody rag into a bin and tucked another within a long sleeve as she would surely need it in the coming hour. There was no arguing with the stubborn principal as she pulled away from Terra, nearing the exit. It was almost time.