Hello folks, have any of you read the Leviathan trilogy by Scott Westerfeld? I'm really interested in starting up a roleplay based around the world of Leviathan. Leviathan is based in a drastically alternate history during World War I, it is a steampunk world with two alternate ways of living that differ vastly in the different countries of the world, the two sides being The Clankers and The Darwinists. The Clankers base their lifestyles around machines - Zeppelins, walking war machines/vehicles called walkers, gyrothopters, aeroplanes, and mechanical contraptions that make their lives easier. Then there are the Darwinists, who use DNA cells and strands of life to fabricate creatures that fulfill duties and do jobs that they're trained for. They can vary from small lizards that carry messages across ships to giant hydrogen powered flying whales. Y'know, the usual. The Darwinists creatures can be unpredictable at times and have a will of their own, though they're able to adapt to situations and are more flexible than machines. The Clankers machines, while being predictable and powerful, are inflexible and cannot adapt to situations around them as easily as creatures. This would be a roleplay with original characters, probably set in a certain country and in a certain military regiment to provide more interactions. Would anyone be interested in this? "[i]Mr[/i] Sharp"