I hope this is fine, and I'm not too late to the party. Name: Moe Talons Gender: female Guardian: her 4 elder brothers. Physical Description: choppy red hair that obviously was cut at random, averaging around her ears. Her deep purple eyes seem too big for her round face, dark bags permanently under them giving her a wild look. her pale skin covered in freckles further give her an almost ghostly look. A tiny thing, Moe doesn't seem to present much of a threat because of her slender figure and short stature, despite the constant blank stare she has. because of how small she is, her clothes are often too large for her, being hand-me downs form her brothers. Mental Description: Mostly vacant looking, most people assume there isn't much going on in Moe's mind, when in fact it is quite the contrary. Moe's mind is always moving, taking in everything surrounding her and making comments in which her thoughts seem fit. Illnesses of the Mind: schizophrenia and insomnia. Moe's combined lack of outwardly emotion and the voices she hears tend to leave her staying up late at night, which then lead her to having sever lack of judgement. Illnesses of the Body: Alexandria Genesis is a disease that changes one's eye colour from blue or grey to a purple, among other minor effects including a lack of body hair, a strong immune system and strong eyesight. (Read more about it, its actually pretty cool: http://www.wattpad.com/8704902-the-purple-eye-disease-alexandria-genesis http://www.newhealthguide.org/Alexandria'S-Genesis.html ) Prior History: Being the seventh and last child of her parents, she's already outlived two older brothers, both of whom died in terrible accidents. this drove her parents mad, committing suicide within a week of each other years after Moe was born. her oldest brother, barely being a legal adult at the time, took care of his remaining siblings. Moe had always been different, but as the years passed she became more and more distant, often responding to questions by intense stares made even eerier by the unnatural purple colour of her eyes. She would sleep for around an hour most nights, and the more tired she was the louder the voices became, the further away from a healthy state of mind she became. She was truly out of her mind when she started to leave the house late at night, finding anything to destroy. starting at garbage cans, she promoted to small animals to other people. This habit went unknown by her brothers for the longest time, in which Moe had probably killed multiple people in her state. It wasn't until she attacked one of her brothers that they started to fear her, locking her in the house and confining her to her room. Her bloodlust only grew, as the new distress prevented her from sleeping for days on end. When she attacked a sibling for the second time the boys decided to send her to Saint-Vincent's, at a loss of what else they could do with their sister. Likes: Silence, stories, clutter, watching people, anyplace where there is a lot to visually take in. Dislikes: Being alone, very bright places, people who talk without a point, people who comment on her eyes. Goal: To have complete silence. Dream: a normal life with both parents and happy brothers. Primary Sin: Wrath Darkest Desire: To get rid of her eyes. she understands how they're unnatural, and blames them for all the misfortune of her family.