Bur'nak trudged through the darkening forest his white fur was covered in burs and dirt and matted down. He carried a bundle of clothes on his back. He had been on the move for three days some of creeds soldiers followed him to the border when Bur'nak decided to kill them, just to send a message saying I am the best still. He raised his nose to the air and sniffed the wind he could smell water. He followed his nose till he came upon a lake he quickly put down his clothes and ran on all fours and splashed in the water. His muscles relaxed as the cool water enveloped him it was a refreshing feeling .He cleaned his matted fur and picked the burs from his fur, after he was done cleaning him self he floated on his back slowing paddling looking up into the night sky he gave a mournful howle into the night air. He floated on the waters surface for an hour he walked out of the lake shook what water he could off he changed into his human form. Bur'nak got dressed and he grabbed some sticks and tinder and started making a fire by rubbing stick together to produce an ember. Once the fire got going Bur'nak dried himself off with the heat of the fire, his stomach rubbled and he went in search of food he managed to find edible plants some nuts and he curled he slowly ate what he found once done he curled up next to the fire and fell asleep.