Liam watched the girl raise a long point finger at him and open her mouth to yell at him no doubt, where he simply rolled his eyes. Pathetic, really. You would think people would be less childish. With a small head shake, he already opened his mouth to cut her off before another girls voice, more timid, cut in. He looked at the girl, just now noticing her. His eyes glanced over her dress and mask, before simply listening to the encounter between the girls. He never has seen anything as pathetic and childish fr people closer to his age. He waited until the two finished speaking before he spoke," assert their dominance? More like act like five year olds that are pissy and little bitches." He studied the girls behavior, her skiddish, fear like behavior. She was so scared of everything. Sad. How do you live life so afraid of everything? He heard the other guy say his name so he cleared his throat, interrupting his thoughts about her, and spoke," my names Liam." When they both started speaking of the ball, he took a step back. He didn't really want to go to the ball, after all that had just happened. He would rather not even bother with going with it. He said," I need to do se stuff before I go, so you guys to on ahead. I'll get there soon." Or not." With a farewell nod to each of them, he turned, planning on finding the two girls. He didn't like people like that. At all.