"Normal people don't seem to get my jokes." Kasumi idly commented, dropping the PDA into Dom's hand with a less-than-graceful shrug. It wasn't like she actually cared about the PDA in of itself - it was merely a principle she felt she had to stick to. It was unwise to needlessly insult a potential opponent - especially when that opponent was one Kasumi Touho. Still, Chelle Lee and Dom couldn't have known what they were going up against, so she shrugged the whole thing off, relaxing her posture a little. She could hear Shio in the background, and despite humour not being her strong point, she still found Shio's lack of ability to talk to people properly amusing. She did empathise somewhat with the socially awkward woman given her lack of a propensity towards the finer points of camaraderie, but she wasn't nearly as bad as Shio. At least, she hoped she wasn't. "Don't worry. I'm not actually going to kill you. I might steal your wallets, though." Kasumi started, before quickly adding, "That was a joke." as an afterthought - it was perhaps a little jarring, but there was the intention of good humour there, right? "The stealing. I wasn't joking about not killing you." Situations like these made Kasumi remember why she'd given up trying to deal with normal people in the first place - thieves that travelled together typically spoke only about missions in order to achieve maximum safety, there was very little time or desire to get to know one another on a more personal level. There was the issue of trust, of course, but thieves (at least, the kind that Kasumi hung out with) were by definition careful people, and it was fairly easy for people of such high calibre to judge one another to satisfactory levels. Kasumi had never met someone that she disliked in her circle of thief buddies, but she'd never really gotten to know people on any level that wasn't necessary for the job at hand. "I'd tell you my name, but I won't. The mask is there for a reason. You can call me Fox, if you like. A variant of that is also acceptable. Maybe Fox-Mask. I train Natrelmon because I'm bored. I also steal things because I'm bored. I usually give them back if they're petty. Like your PDA. And your attitude. That was a joke." Kasumi began, quickly losing herself in a superficial state of being engrossed within a train of thought. Constant vigilance was essentially hardwired into her system at that point, so she was ready to react to the hot-tempered Chelle Lee if necessary. Dom mostly just seemed a little dim, so he was immediately dismissed as a potential threat.