Whatever he had caught himself in, Heihachi knew he would be able to at the least ensure his survival. He was constantly knocking at deaths door. What most people didn’t notice, is the pinnacle physical health Heihachi possessed. Since he had baggy and loose fitting clothes for mobility combat, it covered the lean and cut muscle he had underneath. Upon taking off his clothes you would be able to see every curvature and muscle the human body could possibly contain, stacking on top of each other. Not only his muscles would captivate, but more so the cuts and scars that riddled his body like a pattern. He possessed scars on top of old scars that rose off his skin. His body was just as rigid as his attitude. At one point Heihachi considered marking his arms with the amount of blood he had on his hands, but the amount of scars would be too much for the surface area of his skin. The sly snake turned to look at Heihachi once more before slithering through the village like a serpent through a thicket of grass. Luckily for Heihachi he was able to keep up with the youngster and all the adventure he was creating. Like the movement of a jellyfish, Heihachi would reach the next surface and kick off with the elegance of a jellyfish floating through water. Jellyfish were exotic yet deadly, that’s what made them so intriguing. Unfortunately the same couldn’t be said about Heihachi, with the years behind him, he had lost a majority of his beauty and attractiveness. Yet he was still as irritating as a jellyfish sting. Finally after the long arduous trip they took through back alleys he had never been through, they arrived at an abandoned mill of sorts. The door the Snake stopped at was covered in rust and fragile from the years of wear and tear. The snake had legs, and one jetted out to kick open the rusted door, followed by walking inside. Now walking into an unknown location was rather stupid especially for the fact he followed a snake in the grass. Heihachi sharpened his sense as he began gathering natural energy since he didn’t have to move much. His nerves became elated as his jellyfish senses had taken over his body. Heihachi grunted and waked in just as casual as the snake. Carefully evaluating his environment, Heihachi paid equally close attention to the young shinobi. [I]”I know who you are Senju”[/i] Heihachi cocked one of his gray furrowed brows upwards in attention. “It seems a lot of people “Know” me. What makes you any different? What do you want with an old man anyways? I have nothing to offer or any form of repayment.” Heihachi’s eyes then caught those of Seijuro’s that bore such tenacity. He matched his gaze with his deep and worn eyes. A faint smile almost washed over his face, but not [i]yet.[/i]