Hello everyone! It's great to see all the activity and the cast of characters growing both in numbers and intrigue. We only have a few more to work on, but I have a couple notes to add. 1. Thank you kindly for your banner, Prince. It is greatly appreciated. You will receive a PM shortly about your character. 2. GM rules change. Due to the rarity of the shinies in the pokemon universe, they will be banned without an extremely reasonable explanation. If you can astound us, you can have it, but it must be damned good. Rinnoh's Haunter and Niccolo's Metagross are the only conflicts I see right now, but consider shinies essentially absent. 3. GM rules clarification. (I'm sorry!) Aura sensitivity and Psychic sensitivity are entirely different kettles of water types. =P Aura is most commonly used as a passive power, like seeing heat vision, but instead of seeing heat, you see life and emotion. meditation gives access to these powers. Psychic power is usually more active, reading minds, telekinesis, teleportation, the like. I would almost guarantee that if you want mental power, you seek psychic power. At this point, we only have room for one more Auric (max three to keep diversity), and both powers cannot be used by both characters. Both Niccolo and Aurina will have to change this. I hate having my first post be nagging rules setting, but hey, it's got to happen. I promise Oran berries and cookies with Moo-moo milk to any who have had their feelings hurt or are just hungry. =P