The morning sun beautifully gleamed off the marble floor that lined one of the many hallways of the Barriello family estate. However, unlike the other hallways, this hallway echoed with the sound of heels clicking rather violently against the expensive floor. A woman in her late twenties strode down the hall as if on a mission, strands of her brown hair falling out from her tight bun. She round the next corner where a set of double doors awaited her, along with a tall, heavily-built, bald-headed man with a scar over his left eye. Yet at the sight of the brunette, the man immediately bowed at her presence. "Ms. Barriello." He greeted curtly as he opened one of the doors to her. Lia simply nodded and walked in without another word. Inside was what would have been an elegantly furnished suite if it wasn't for all the wine bottles and clothes strewn about. Lia didn't even blink an eye as she passed the living area and to another set of double doors on the far end of the left wall. She pulled the doors apart and was greeted with a couple of high pitched screams. On the large, king-sized bed sitting in the middle of the room were two busty women and one light-brown haired man, all tangled up together. "Out," Lia stated, sending a stern glare at the two women, "now." The women quickly untangled themselves from the man and ran out of the room in a flash, leaving the two similar looking adults in the room. Once they were gone, Lia turned her glare at her twin. "Get dressed, we're supposed to be at the company headquarters in half an hour." She ordered. However, Renzo Barriello simply yawned and stretched. "Calm down Lia, it's not like we don't own the company or anything. We can be there whenever we want." He replied, "We don't even have to be there at all. Why are we going again?" Lia sighed as she got a quick glance at the mirror. Her hair was a mess. Pulling the scrunchie out of her hair, Lia let her long hair down for only a second before tying it back up. "We need to make our meeting with the Yakuza look as legitimate as possible. Plus, I want to ensure Mr. Kawashima that we do have the means to fund this merge." "Right. And if all this goes well, we can go to Japan?" "Yes, Renzo. We can go to Japan. Now hurry up." "Yeah, yeah." The older twin finally climbed out of bed, showing off all his naked glory. But again, Lia didn't even try to turn away. They had been together since the day they were born and were closer than most siblings. Even though he annoyed her to the point of migraines, she would rather have them than run their mafia organization alone. It was thanks to him that most of the men even followed her orders when they first took over their father's place. Twenty minutes later, Renzo was fully dressed and ready to go and the Barriello twins headed out to the awaiting limousine. It took them another twenty minutes to get to their headquarters in downtown Chicago. Lia's assistant met with them at the door and followed them to the elevator. "Mr. Kawashima is already waiting for you in conference room 1." He told them. Lia gave Renzo a look. "See what happens when we aren't on time?" Renzo gave her a carefree shrug as they walked through the open elevator doors. "At least we're fashionably late?" Lia just rolled her eyes and was about to reply with a retort when her assistant cut her off. "Also, we've received a surprise visit." This time, Lia and Renzo both turned their identical gazes at the assistant. "Surprise visit?" Renzo asked inquisitively. "Yes sir. His name is Rick Cooper and is an independently-contracted accountant here to aid us with our annual company audit." "That is very surprising." Lia stated. "Where is he from?" Renzo asked. "Raleigh, North Carolina." Renzo physically flinched. "Gross." "Do you know who exactly hired him?" "He was hired by one of our satellite companies and was recommended to come to headquarters. He is already waiting in his new office." "And this is why we should come here more often. So we can keep track of all these new people." Lia told Renzo in a matter-of-fact tone, "Now it's time to pick. Who do you want to deal with?" "He's from North Carolina. You can deal with him." Renzo said just as the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Lia just sighed and walked out the doors. Her assistant tried to follow her but she stopped him. "No, you watch him." She ordered as she pulled the tablet out of his hands, "Make sure he doesn't say anything stupid." "C'mon Lia, when have I ever messed up a conference?" "The last time we were here." "Oh... Right." The conversation ended there when the doors closed in on them but Lia was still shaking her head. She hoped he didn't mess up too much but if he really focused, he would be able to get the Yakuza on their side. Glancing down at the tablet, she went over her assistant's notes and found the office number where this accountant was located at. She traveled down the halls until she reached the open door of the assigned office. "Mr. Cooper?" She called out while taking a step inside, "Are you in here?"