Riki became eager when the group decided to confront the orcs. But the feeling quickly faded as the team took forever to find their prey. She took the opportunity to size up her team mates. Of all of them, she thought Decado looked particularly formidable. RIki wanted to see what he could do in a real fight, and she wouldn't have to wait long. And while Astiroth didn't have a taste for battle, she had to admit the cloak did make him look menacing. Stepping beside him she peered into darkness in attempt to see what was there, all she saw was a dark pit to nothing. "Astiroth was it? I don't suppose you care to tell me what's under the cloak. Let me guess, you're a monster. No, a vampire perhaps. If you take it off will you die?" Riki asked in a half joking manner, really only trying to pass the time. When they finally reached their target, Riki got into position along with the others. Quickly and smoothly she took cover behind a tree, peering out at the foes. Arthur motioned her towards an orc, to which she nodded in understanding. Slowly she freed her blade from its sheath as not to make a sound. Pulling on her gloves to tighten them, she gripped the hilt of her sword firmly. Her eyes just barely peeped out, waiting for the signal. As soon as she heard the tension in the bow release, Riki started her attack before the arrow was yet to land. She lunged forward thrusting her rapier at incredible speeds, aimed for the nape of her foe's neck. [center][img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/094/9/b/orc_brute_by_kramgnauh-d3d8tmr.gif][img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs37/f/2008/243/3/2/Aliana_Animation_by_KFblade.gif][/center]