Co-GM positions are currently open. I'm looking for maybe one or two, so feel free to message me if you are interested. [img][/img] Welcome back to the village of Alber! If you were present for the first run of Neko no Koi, then you probably understand how this works already. A few things have changed since then, but nothing too major. Just check out the rules and the CS sheets really quick before you jump back in. You are allowed to either use characters from before or to create some new ones if you like. If this is your first time, then feel free to check out these really quick. They should have all the information you need to get started. [hider=Story] The legendary village of Alber has been home to many nekomimi (or neko) for as long as it has been around. These catlike persons have enjoyed a fairly peaceful existence here for a long time, and eventually even humans began living in this place at some point. When the humans started arriving, however, a strange phenomenon was discovered. Whenever a human entered the village, a mysterious gemstone was generated for unknown reasons. After some study, it was discovered that upon being gifted to a neko, an inner power will be unlocked and that neko will become capable of using magic. Using this, a human and a neko may become very powerful together, but every gift has a price. You see, those gemstones are the manifestation of human hearts, and the emotions held by them are deeply connected to the power inside the strange items. All magic that can be used by the nekomimi comes from the love of the human from whom the jewel was created. Of course, because of this truth, devastating consequences would follow should anything happen to these precious objects. Around 92% of the time, upon the destruction of one of these hearts, the humans die. Those that do not would be better off dead, as they are either left in a completely unfeeling, zombie-like state, or can only feel intense agony for the rest of their lives. In many cases, this isn’t very long, since the pain often drives them to end them by whatever means they can. While the nekomimi are not physically harmed by the destruction of the hearts, they must still deal with the psychological torment that comes as a result of having a loved one suddenly ripped from their lives. To prevent such terrible happenings, the neko developed special collars to protect these hearts, and any human who enters the village is strongly urged to obtain one from the Heartcrafter. These collars with the hearts attached became very important to the culture of the nekomimi as symbols of ultimate trust for a human, as they are also their greatest vulnerability. When a human and a neko bond romantically, it is common for the human to give the collar to the neko, who proudly wears it as a symbol of trust and belonging. One should be careful, though, for whoever has your heart holds your life as well. In this place, a false love may lead to one’s demise. So, will you take a chance and entrust your heart to someone? [/hider] The village of Alber is located deep within the forest. Though it is normally very peaceful, there have been reports of bandits and even a few dangerous beasts in the area lately. Though not too many people have run into difficulty with them, thankfully, people still advise that everyone be careful when venturing into the surrounding woods. [hider=More About the Collar Culture] Collar Gifting: So, a collar is pretty much the same idea as a proposal, but in this village, it can be gifted at any time. Marriage is not necessarily a requirement after the gifting of a collar, though it is most certainly an option. (In some circles, the collar is sometimes gifted as a proposal of marriage, or it may be gifted at a wedding ceremony.) It is not really recommended to gift the collar as part of a mere confession, since all kinds of things can go wrong, but most people don’t really care enough to tell you that you can’t. Again, these may be gifted at any time in a relationship. It’s about the same as the world’s most dangerous pinkie promise, really. Claimed Nekomimi: Any neko who has been gifted with a collar is said to have been “claimed.” This is a status that many neko tend to be proud of. Traditionally, a claimed neko would be in charge of protecting the couple partner and/or eventual family while their human partner would be in charge of providing for them. In the past, this was mainly because of the defensive capabilities the claimed neko would develop from using the collar. This is not necessary to follow in relationships, though. A human may defend a nekomimi, though they will likely not have the same magic power. Likewise, a neko is considered perfectly capable of providing or assisting with providing for a partner or family. [/hider] [hider=More About the Hearts] 1. The magical properties of the jewels are caused by human emotion, love for the possessor being the one that allows the neko to actively use magic. 2. The abilities a neko may unlock with these jewels are only a few in number, although there are both passive and active magics that may be unlocked. 3. After a certain amount of time with the jewels - this is different for each couple depending on the person and when the collar was gifted - the neko develops a certain sense specifically for the human they received the jewel from. This sense allows the neko to be able to tell when the human is in danger, as well as a few other things I will determine later, but is by no means a way to use active telepathy. It may allow a human and a neko to act more in sync, however. 4. Collars must be removed to destroy hearts. This means that all characters in danger of having their hearts destroyed do have a chance to take back the collar before an untimely demise. I can't have people dying all over the place. (This will be posted in the official rules, too.) 5. Magic can only be used by nekomimi while they are wearing the collar. They may use any physical abilities without it, but magic only happens when a bond is struck. 6. The magicks that can be used through the hearts depend on the human. The strength of the magic and ability a neko has with it depends on the mutual love between the two. So yes, a neko will have trouble using magic if the feelings toward the human falter, fade, or simply do not exist. Also, if a human gives a heart to a neko without feeling any love toward them, not only is that a very bad idea, but no magic will be activated. 7. Collar magic is not limited to attack magicks, but the type of magic is ultimately decided by the human. Also, if a human manages to switch lovers, they may exchange one passive magical ability for another to match their new relationship. Should a human return to a previous lover, however, they are stuck with the previous magicks they used with them before. 8. Collars can neither be forced on or off anyone. [/hider] Now for the rules. I know they’re a pain, but I just want you to know what I expect before we start running into problems. [hider=Rules] 1. All basic RolePlayerGuild rules apply. If you don’t know them reasonably well, please go check them. 2. Do not take control of other people’s characters [b]for any reason[/b]. I have seen this become a problem way too many times. 3. While it is not required for collars to be directly returned after being removed, it is required that humans be given a chance to get them back. Attempts to destroy hearts may happen, but it is up to the human’s player whether or not they actually do take damage or break. 4. No murder without approval. That means that you need to get permission from other people if you want to kill off their characters. Attacking is fine, but let them react. 5. Please do not disappear without a warning. If you cannot continue, that is fine, but at least let me or your partner(s) know. Be respectful of your partner’s feelings! Also, people who have been gone for more than 10 days without any sort of heads-up or check in may have to reintroduce their characters. I am not responsible if your partner moves on without you! 6. Please don’t fight in the OOC. Take things to the PMs to be worked out. 7. I know this is a romance RP, but any particularly mature scenes should be taken to the PMs. If you’re going farther than the kisses and cuddles, fade to black and come back when you’re done. If anything important to the story happens, please fill us in without giving [i]those[/i] details. 8. Don’t do any instant romance, please; take some time to nurture your relationships. Finding a partner is about half the battle, so I can almost guarantee you’ll be bored quickly if you skip this. 9. No txt lingo. I won’t be strict with spelling, grammar, or word count as long as people can understand what you are typing reasonably well. 10. I will give people warnings if they overstep any boundaries, but after a certain number of offenses, often depending on the severity and whether or not they are repeated or fixed, I will get rid of people. My decision is final on this. Co-GMs will also have this authority. 11. Please respect the Co-GMs. 12. I will change these rules if the need arises and notices will be posted in that event. Have fun with this RP. I want people to be able to enjoy interacting with other characters. [/hider] If nothing else, just remember to be respectful of other players, respect all the GMs, and keep it fairly clean. If you have a problem or are unsure about anything, feel free to ask questions. Either I or one of the Co-GMs will try to help you out. Thanks for reading through all that, I know it was a lot. As a reward, here are the CS bases. Each player is allowed a maximum of two characters until I find it reasonable to change this. [hider=Human CS] Name: Age: Appearance: Heart: (a brief description of the jewel created, just the color and/or shape. If you want to describe the collar for it, this is a good place for that, too.) Partner’s Magic: (to be activated using the heart) Passive Ability: Active Ability: Romantic Preference: (If you want to explore this through the story, that’s fine) Personality: Bio: (optional) Job: (optional) Family/Friends/Relationships: (optional) Weapon: (optional) Other: [/hider] [hider=Neko CS] Name: Age: Species: (Neko, Nekomata, Bakeneko, Werecat, etc.) Appearance: Romantic Preference: (If you want to explore this through the story, that’s fine) Personality: Bio: (optional) Job: (optional) Family/Friends/Relationships: (optional) Other: [/hider] Oh, and just to make sure you read the rules, please put the number of the "heart destruction" rule somewhere in the CS. (It's the one about returning collars.) [b]Accepted Characters [/b] Humans [hider=Faeya Duncan (Savi)] [img][/img] Faeya Duncan||19||Bisexual {Heart} [img][/img] {Partner’s Magic} Passive Ability~ Empathy, telepathy, healing, aura reading, and astroprojection Active Ability~ telekinesis {Personality} She is very nerdy and shy. Faeya is very straight foreward and blunt about certain things, but she is also very caring and kind. She is very closed off to any depressing or upsetting emotions in front of people, but open her up and she will burst. Faeya is very headstrong and is very courageous. Faeya is very insecure, so she hides herself behind a book or her studies. {Friends} Vincent {Job} She is a student and she works at a bookstore {Other} She has a white cat named Luna [/hider] [hider=Mikota Tanaka (RumikoOhara)] Name: Tanaka Mikota (Surname, Given Name) Age: 17 Gender : Female Appearance:[img][/img] Heart: Firestorm [img][/img] Firedrake [img][/img] Partner’s Magic : Fire Elemental Active Abilities : Fireball projection, size and temp. dependent on concentration time Ranged Attack Deflection Passive Ability : Speed, like the element she is able to move quickly Romantic Preference : Yuri Personality : Mikota is a shy girl until forced into a defensive stance by circumstance, when this happens she reveals a strength and bravery few have. Soft hearted an protective she a loyal friend and trusted confidant even finding it difficult to harm an enemu who's at disadvantage. Mikota's shyness is a direct result of her height, she stands 5'11" and will likely be 6 foot tall before she finishes growing. Made fun of by boys because of her stature Mikota tends to gravitate towards other girls. Bio: An orphaned girl for the last four years Mikota lives alone and rarely ventures out. She is the only child of Dr. an Ms. Tanaka who died in a boating accident. Her parents both came from wealth and held a sizable treasury which was left to Mikota under the provision that she become a Doctor like her father. To this end Mikota devotes a large amount of her time to her studies. Job: Student Family/Friends/Relationships :Deceased Other: [/hider] [hider=Taylor Rae Faria (Cynder)] [img][/img] Libra | October 12th | INFP Name Taylor Rae Faria Age 25 Gender Female Heart Taylor's heart takes the form of her birthstone -- a tourmaline. It has a soft, quiet glow on occasion. Taylor doesn't care for the collar in which her gem is held, considering she doesn't care about fashion at all, however, she does have a certain "taste" for most things that are exquisite. Her heart can be seen below: "Heart" [img][/img] Partner’s Magic Blood Magic – Similar to Taylor's ability, Hemokinesis, her partner will be able to manipulate the usage of their blood. They can use it to heal or defend themselves, but it rarely has an offensive advantage. Active Abilities - Force Field: Being a Bounty Hunter is a dangerous job, especially when on the field, so having an ability like Force Field is extremely helpful. Taylor is able to create a force field around herself and anyone within a three foot radius for about thirty seconds on average. - Hemokinesis: In the case of being injured on the field and as long as Taylor doesn't take a hit to the head or heart, she is able to draw any blood that she spills (this ONLY works when she is bleeding) and use it for defensive or offensive purposes, however, her Hemokinesis does not allow her to heal as easily. Passive Ability - Marksmanship: A passive ability that increases the speed of Taylor's average shots by 15% and increases her average accuracy by 25% when using a revolver or pistol. Romantic Preference Swings towards males, but has never been in an actual relationship: she can be very open-minded. Personality A snide, snarky and sarcastic woman. She's extremely independent and self-reliant as well as a bit of a lone wolf. Despite her stand-offish personality, she can be extremely compassionate and has a soft spot for kids. Taylor doesn't like to admit it, but she's a hopeless romantic at heart, despite never having an actual love of her own. Her personality also falls under the categories such as unorganized, messy and even a little disastrous. She has the tendency to fail at the most basic of tasks and has a bit of a difficult time socializing as well (despite the fact that she can actually be very sociable). She's good at hiding her emotions for the most part, but is often swayed and manipulated by them, she also has a strong sense of empathy for the people around her. Her empathy can cause her to act strangely under different circumstances, whether it is to pick up a defensive stance, become extremely angry or serious. Aside from her empathetic nature, she is cool-headed and reserved, but extremely impatient. Other parts of her personality include a mouth equal to a sailor's, a dry sense of humor, the fear of failure and a sense of grudge. Biography Most of Taylor's past is a mystery. It is known that she is an ex-outlaw, turned "good" to a rough-tough Bounty Hunter. She only came across the village recently, but has become immensely interested in it and the thought of staying for a while has gotten her attention. Job Freelance Bounty Hunter. She's considering settling down with an actual job, but isn't quite aware of her skills yet. Other Taylor has expressed an interest for music. She has also mentioned her love for "helping others" indicating that she is a very protective type of person. She loves to read, especially romance novels and has expressed a finer taste for exquisite culture, despite her "rough" ways. It is unknown whether or not she has living relatives. [/hider] [hider=Silvia (Dark Elsa)] Name: Silvia Age: 17 Gender: female Appearance: [img][/img] Heart: The crystal is shaped like a silver rose with a hint of ruby in it. The colors are red and silver. Collar is black with small rubys on it Partner’s Magic: fire ability Active Abilities – Silvia can use flames to attack enemies. She can also create a small sword from the flames as well. Passive Ability – Teleporting short distances. Romantic Preference: to be explored Personality: Silvia is a shy sometimes yet brave girl. She can be a bit hot tempered at times as well as distant. Kind to other mostly. [/hider] [hider=Vincent Monroe (Savi)] [img][/img] Vincent Monroe||18||Straight {Heart} [img][/img] {Partner’s Magic} Active Ability~ ability to manipulate water Passive Ability~ empathy, able to heal faster in water, and sensitivity to power (meaning, he can sense a powerful being) {Personality} He's the dorky, fun-loving guy who loves to enjoy his time with people. Unlike his best friend, he is very social able and outgoing. Vincent, who goes by Vince, is very charming and flirtacious when he wants to be. He can also be very protective. He will beat up anyone who hurts the ones he cares about. Otherwise, he is very kind. {Job} Also works in the bookstore {Friend} Faeya {Other} He has a husky named Snowbird [/hider] [hider=Preston Faulkner (LesleyDrakken)] Name: Preston Faulkner Age: 22 Appearance: At 5'5" (Another short guy, I know, it just worked out that way XP), he appears small and slight but is actually very toned due to his occupation, with the delicate and somewhat effeminate facial features that show up in men from his his family every once and a while. He has brown eyes and keeps his straw-black hair in a short ponytail held in place with a blue bead clip. He may look like a shrimp, but it would be unwise to underestimate his physical strength and agility even if he's reluctant to fight most of the time anyways. Heart: [url=]The Blackbird Ruby[/url] Partner’s Magic: Protected by the elemental spirit of blackbirds, a large ferocious Redwing Blackbird entity that will fight to defend the summoner by causing galestorms among other things. Will provoke a gathering of nearby blackbirds; these are unable to do anything they are physically incapable of normally, but may swarm and attack the source of the danger. Passive Ability: Causes the profuse growth of any already existing mulberry, raspberry, blackberry or similar fruit-bearing plants in the area and only those (some new plants may also inexplicably appear, but only if the person remains in one locale for a long time); the wearer may also find blackbirds unusually attracted to places where they stay. Active Ability: The ability to summon the elemental spirit of blackbirds for protection. Romantic Preference: Bisexual, but prefers women. (I'm only saying that because I can totally see him with a guy, but he's only ever been in relationships with women in the past. So basically, anything could happen.) Personality: A total pushover emotionally, and an all-around Non-Action Guy. He's not the most socially outgoing at first, and can come off as being aloof, but up close and personal he quickly becomes a very sweet and gentle person, even a little bit nervous at times. More or less he pretends to be the cold, stoic type but he's a bad liar and it only takes talking to him a bit to see through this facade. He's the type of person who would cry at the best part of a mushy romantic movie and then do everything he could to back track and make it seem like it meant nothing at all, usually met with humoring 'uh-huh's and 'suuure's from the people who know better. He's also pretty passionate about his interests, even if he mostly keeps it to himself and redirects the fire by working as hard as he can on the things he cares about. Bio: A normal human born into a very much not normal family, Preston's first memory of his mother is when she judged him a sickly runt and tried to put him out of his misery by snapping his neck. Obviously, his relationship with her is scarcely there, but he has a close bond with his father, who is also a black sheep in the family. When he was about eight, his uncle gave him a wooden biplane toy as a birthday gift, kicking off his love of aviation and a dream of being a pilot as well as someone who could prove himself to his relatives. The dream paid off when he received his pilot's license as a teenager, and his- real- beloved biplane Blackbird, named for the fact that it was painted to resemble a Redwing Blackbird, with bright red marks on the shoulders of the wings. He works as a stunt pilot, as well as flying ad banners for companies. He ended up in Alber after a bad crash while out on a practice flight. Until now he's had little to no intent of staying once his plane is fixed, but that will change... Job: Commercial and stunt pilot. Family/Friends/Relationships: His father Alastair Faulkner, his mother Gilly Morgan, and two older siblings, a brother named Roger and a sister named Sophia. He also has a large extended family that I won't get into here, but he's closest to his nephew Conner and uncle Murray. Weapon: None Other: It's the second time he's crashed his plane; the last time a botched trick during a show resulted in a crash that caused permanent nerve damage to his left shoulder. He doesn't have as much feeling in that arm, and also has a slowed reaction time. Also, for some reason he's addicted to the MMO Maplestory, and plays as a wind Cygnus Knight named Preston_CG. (<--Don't mind this, it's an injoke carried over from a past RP and has no bearing on anything outside the occasional nod.) [/hider] [hider=Runo Kumori (YamiCuoreLaroux)] Name: Runo Kumori Age: 19 Appearance: [img][/img] Heart: [img][/img] He keeps his heart on a simple black collar. Partner’s Magic: Wind Magic Passive Ability – Air Purification/Poison Resistance Active Ability – Wind Manipulation Romantic Preference: Panromantic, but he really likes hugs, so watch out. Personality: Generally a nice, friendly individual. Runo’s actually suffering from a bit of heartbreak. Not literally, thankfully, but he’s a bit messed up emotionally. Despite this, he always seems to wear a cheerful expression around other people and likes to make others happy. Perhaps it distracts him from his own problems? Even though he seems too carefree, truthfully, he lives by a very strong moral code and refuses to deviate from it. His favorite flowers are catkins. Bio: (Working on this…) Job: Escort, Gardener Weapon: Katana Other: Since he has come of age to legally drink, Runo has been frequenting Naneko’s Sake House a lot lately. Unfortunately, he’s a bit of a lightweight, but he mostly just tries to hug everybody when he’s had too much. He can be gotten rid of pretty easily, though. Runo hates earwigs to the point where he has declared war on them. He’s not too fond of centipedes either, but he’d rather not talk about that. It’s just too embarrassing. If you’re bored, I suggest showing him either one after he’s been drinking. [/hider] Neko [hider=Naneko Bakimon (RumikoOhara)] Name: Bakimon Naneko (Surname, Given Name) Age: 19 Species: Nekomata Appearance: [img][/img] Romantic Preference: Personality: Naneko is a lazy kind of girl or so it seems to those that don't know her. She is more feline than human in her actions and motivations which basically means she is curious, moody, playful, cruel and sensual. Bio: Little is known of her origins except that Naneko is a monster type and the cause unknown. Job: Naneko is a brewer of Sake and beers and her wares are most potent. Family/Friends/Relationships: N/A Other: Extra abilities: Shapeshift, monstrous form War Mount [img][/img] Naneko only shifts presently if she feels threatened due to the emotional toll such a shift takes on her normally serene soul. In monstrous form she is nearly 4 foot tall at the shoulder and 7+ feet long weighing over half a ton. In this form she can be ridden by her loved one. (More powers to be revealed when she finds a lover.) [/hider] [hider=Nadia (Nuttynad)] Name: Nadia Age: 17 Species: Nekomimi Appearance: [img][/img] Romantic Preference: She's straight and she doesn't care much of looks, she prefers to love someone by who they are Personality: She's cheerful and shy at the same time, a little clumsy at times Bio: Nadia had been abandoned while she was still young . She was soon brought in by a kind old lady, whom Nadia calls her her mother. At the same time, Nadia can't help but wonder who her real mom was as she could not remember her face well. Although she was abandoned, Nadia felt that there was no need to be sad about what happened in the past as what happened has to have a reason for it. Job: she works part time at a local bakery. [/hider] [hider=Zoriah (Zoriah)] Name: Zoriah Age: 18 Species: Kitsune, I wish Neko Gender: Male Romantic Preference: Appreciates both tenderness and stability; as the people in his life up to this point have been neither stable nor tender. Open to explore. Personality: Quiet with a mystifying type of aura. he appreciates silence but enjoys company. Mature. Dislikes being bossed around tho; henceforth, a hint of a rebellious side. Very wise. Is very OCD and obsesses over cleanliness. Internally struggles with depression, tho outwardly he is always very content. He's very creative, independent and innovative (which is why he works for himself); anything you can do, he'll find a way to do it better (more efficiently, quicker, etc.) He is gentle and casual. he struggles with social awkwardness, and has never had too many friends. He tends to form trust in people silently, and without them knowing, which is usually why it gets broken so quickly. Aside from all this, he loves learning and loves to figure things out by himself, usually by trial and error (which sometimes leads to trouble). Zoriah loves gaining knowledge and understanding, about both science and magic Bio: His parents live on the north side of the town, while he lives on the south, so he doesn't see them very often. His dad is currently battling illness… They tend to be very traditional and religious; they used to keep things under control as town councilmen. Thanks to his rebellious nature, Zori never fit quite in to their cookie-cutter shape. He knows most of the nekos who live in the town, as his trade requires visits to their shops, etc etc. Job: Owns his own small clothing shops. Loves fashion, tho his (hi-traditional) parents despise it, for the most part. Makes anything and everything, from tops and bottoms to fancy and useful; for absolutely everyone from warriors to magicians to high school teenagers; no job is too small. Also keeps his own garden, full of helpful herbs and rare/unique produce that he uses to help people with sickness. He is beginning to become known as a 'medicine man' in the town, thanks to his knowledge of medicine, magic, science and herbs. Other: he travels quite a bit, thanks to his desire to move around and see different places, plus his continuing passion for fashion, as his inspiration almost always comes from other places, traditions and countries. He has several physical ailments, but he fares pretty well. This include flat feet, raynaud's syndrome and 'hit & run' headaches, along with several sensetive spots, both physical and mental/emotional. His aura is very thick and hard to discern or estimate. Appearance: [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Ru Zhi (LesleyDrakken)] Name: Ru Zhi Age: 23 Species: Neko Appearance: (I already have a specific appearance in mind and I can't find a picture that fits, so you'll have to make due with a description) A munchkin cat Nekomata; at about four foot six inches tall his height reflects this; his legs are also pretty disproportionately short to the rest of his body. His neatly trimmed black hair has a noticeable widows peak; there's a light gray spot on his bangs and along with his white-rimmed glasses it creates the effect of a white patch around his right eye. His tail and ears are entirely jet black. Romantic Preference: We'll find out, now won't we? Personality: Srsface all of the time, every day, to the point where it be hard to take him seriously. He can also be quite touchy and angry, although he's not going to be that threatening to anyone, really. Having been educated non-stop since childhood, he's very bright and educated in many subjects, but he doesn't know how to handle himself around others and usually just avoids them as a result. He doesn't dislike people per say and tries his best to make friends, but he was mostly alone growing up so he never really developed proper social skills. Bio: Adopted as a kitten by a human scientist who wished to study his deformity and primarily raised in a laboratory. He doesn't really know much of where he came from before that, being so young when he was taken in. The only people he had contact with during that time where the scientist and two other nekos with the same condition. He wasn't ever cruel to them per say, and even treated them with a certain degree of kindness, but while they longed to seem him as a father figure he treated it simply as a working relationship. Still, Ru Zhi modeled his personality on the man like he would have any paternal figure, and threw himself into learning all that he could about the world. The scientist actively encouraged this and piled study material on Ru until he was near exhaustion, but as a result he grew to be a real Renaissance Man, hoarding any and all knowledge he could. Although he was never allowed to leave the laboratory, he hungered to see the outside world and apply this knowledge for himself. When the three Nekos where young teens, the authorities came knocking on the scientist's door and arrested him for conducting illegal activities. He was suddenly cast out into the world with very little knowledge of how to survive, and found his way to Alber. The years since have been a struggle for him. He still wishes to track down the other Nekos he grew up with, who he considers his siblings. Job: Inventor Family/Friends/Relationships: Xue and Bao Zhi, the two other Nekos he grew up with, and the scientist who raised them. Other: N/A [/hider] [hider=Rio Valori (Grey)] Name: Rio Valori Age: 17 Species: Neko Appearance: [url=]"I do not see what the purpose of this request is, but I will oblige: 'Meow.'"[/url] Romantic Preference: Demisexual. What it actually ends up turning into is going to be explored within the RP. Personality: A rather peculiar fellow, to be completely frank. She seems to be the stoic, detached sort of person, what with the constant deadpan expression and the empty-eyed gaze. This is not a false assumption, but it isn't a true assumption either. Rio may have that perpetually impassive look plastered on her face, and she may constantly speak in this droll, downright clinical tone of voice, but she's not as emotionless as she seems. She's actually a kind and gentle person, if a bit too honest. She tries her hardest to emphasize with others and understand them, but usually 'fails' due to her own odd mindset. Incidentally, this makes her a great listener, but horrible when it actually comes to reassuring her friends. Additionally, her straightforward personality often results in unintentional snarkiness, which can make her come off as cold at times. She has an odd sense of humor, usually revolving around puns and other forms of wordplay, and has a tendency of taking metaphors literally. She's also prone to overreacting in her own strange, reserved manner. She often thinks out-loud and actually talks quite a lot more than one would expect from someone of her demeanor. Though this is more from trying to get her point across rather than any true motormouth tendencies. In regards to her speech patterns, Rio rarely uses contractions and almost always refers to people by their full name. Bio: Rio lives on her own and rarely has contact with her mother and father, who are often gone on some kind of trip or another. Apparently she's some sort of self-styled scientist who records her 'findings' on her 'not diary' and has a penchant for SCIENCE!. According to Rio herself, her life overall could be described as 'effectively within the average norm.' Job: Student, "Scientist" Family/Friends/Relationships: Ruca and Kyouko Valori (Dad & Mom) [/hider] [hider=Azure Romman (XxLyraxX)] [img][/img] ~Stands at around 4'6~ Azure Romman 15 Neko He is Bisexual. He is very quiet and mostly keeps to himself. He rarely talks to people and will most of the time try to avoid them. He is very fearful of large crowds and will go out of his way to miss them. He hates loud noises and annoying people. Despite his demure behavior, he has a stubborn streak in him and will not bow down so easily. What he doesn't express with words, he does with facial expressions: mostly a emotionless look when he is faced with other people or a glare when he is annoyed. He refuses to speak of his past and no amount of poking or prodding will make him tell. He works part-time at the book store; its quiet and not packed all the time. He has no relations to speak of. Azure is very light and quick on his feet. He is also a fast study and loves learning new things. [/hider] [hider="Garry" Gavriil Leoniv (Cynder)] [img][/img] Capricorn | January 7th | ISFJ Name Gavriil Leoniv Nickname(s) Only called Gavriil by those who are especially close with hm, otherwise, he prefers to be referred to as "Garry". Age 19 Gender Male Species Neko Appearance Can be seen above, but, y'know, with ears and a tail. I'm imagining that he would be a white cat, so white ears + tail. Romantic Preference Will explore throughout the Roleplay. Personality An enigma at its finest, Garry is a reserved and quiet person. He hardly ever talks, let alone about himself and is easily seen as a "simple person". He is often calm, even in a anxious situation and can easily keep his composure. His stoic nature may also relate to the fact that he is socially awkward and has an extremely hard time showing emotions being clumsy in the field of interaction. Secretly, he actually has a mean jealous streak, a slight sadistic side and can be quite selfish, as well as being insecure. Despite his composure, he occasionally has slip-ups where his hot-headed side may show. He can be surprisingly opinionated as well, but just chooses to not speak about his point of view, unless the situation calls for it. He is accused of being easily persuaded or indecisive, as well as quite naive. He has a good sense of humor and is at heart, a hopeless romantic. Biography Garry prefers to leave his past in a cloud of mystery, rather not taking the time to talk about it. It is mentioned that he was raised in a family of six children, a family with busy and always working parents, as well as a screwed system of poverty. Garry is the second youngest out of all of his siblings, only elder to his younger sister, Karina, by two years. Garry and Karina were especially distance from their family growing up for unknown reasons. When they were seventeen and fifteen, the two siblings moved to Alber, where they have lived out a rather quiet and unfulfilled existence. Job Works part-time at the local library. Family/Friends/Relationships His younger sister, Karina (NPC), who lives in town with him. Other Is it mentioned that he is a bookworm and loves to read (which is why he works at a library). He also enjoys to experiment with cooking, as he often does so for his younger sister. It's revealed that he feels unaccomplished in his life for working such a mundane job, but nonetheless, he enjoys it. This often relates to the comment that he is a "simple person". He is currently writing a novel of his own, but prefers to keep it under wraps. [/hider] [hider=Chiaro Schwarz (YamiCuoreLaroux)] Name: Chiaro Schwarz Age: 19 Species: Neko Appearance: [img][/img] Romantic Preference: To be explored! Personality: Some say he’s irritating, he prefers “unique”. While he can come off as cocky and incapable of being serious, he can be a reasonable guy and is actually quite focused when he wants to be. He’s pretty capable, but he has a very immature streak and can be easily tempted with food. His favorite foods are sweets. Bio: Chiaro was part of a performance troupe when he was very young, having been picked up after he lost his parents. He doesn’t really know what happened to them, since he was so young at the time, though. When he was finally old enough to hold his own, he started travelling by himself, but eventually got caught by a group of bandits in the woods around Alber. After some…interesting happenings, including a cross-dressing scheme and being chased by a couple of [i]very[/i] angry unicorns, he ended up joining them. Currently, he now leads the group of bandits, but he has to hide his face as a bandit since he still performs in the town from time to time. Job: Local bandit/Performer Family/Friends/Relationships: He kinda considers his group of bandits to be his family, I guess. Other: Chiaro has a scar on the back of his left shoulder. He says it’s from a ‘performance accident,’ but he always has an odd look when he says it. [/hider] NPCs