"[b]Black?[/b]" Alice asked in confusion, as the White Rabbit ignored the cat's tail coiled around him. She listened to the Feline-man's short exposition, and from it, it was confirmed that this was indeed Wonderland, the chaotic lands from that Lewis Carroll book. In particular it seemed to have a little bit of history given that he mentioned that it's been boring for Decades, and apparently holds a few things that are recognized in humanity like Defection. But wait, if this is suppose to be Wonderland... "[i]Oh good lord, is THAT why I'm here? Some kind of sick joke with my name?[/i]" She thought. While she does realize there has to be another reason for it then just her name, otherwise they could have chosen anyone in the world or at least London named Alice, it's a coincidence she just had to take note of. Adam, in the meantime looked at the frankly delusional woman who still thinks this is just a dream when the White Rabbit clearly stated that this was far from it. Still, it seems that despite her threatening words, she's harmless. He said nothing to her, and looked instead back at Connor. "[b]Sounds like quite a feat.[/b]" He said to him. He then looked at the Cheshire Cat talking with the White Rabbit. Once again, both Alice and Adam noted the man-feline mentioned this Rain person once again, confirming as well that they're both two different people, and yet he first called him Rain. ...So in this world, there's two White Rabbits? For that matter, who's this 'black' he mentioned, and what's Elysium? So many questions, but one thing was clear. The last statement by the cat was the one that seem to get the White Rabbit's attention as his eyes started to close a little to give off a stern look. "[b]...I knew he would notice eventually, but I was hoping the range and location would at least buy us some time. ...Still, Thank you for that information.[/b]" The White Rabbit said. He then took one of his arms, and jabbed it into his own chest like a sword. "[b]Wha-...What're you doing!?[/b]" Alice asked. The area around where he stabbed his own hand turned back into a black blob-like texture as he immediately removes the arm, and with it a glob of black goop from his chest. He just tore off a part of himself by the looks of it. He then proceeded to do this 14 more times, and all of which shaped into what appears to be 15 golden pocket watches, one for every human, each one bearing a resemblance the white rabbit's own pocket watch. The wound he made for himself closed up almost immediately, but he was now short of breath as he looked at the humans. "[b]I don't have the time, or material to give you weapons right now...But if you want a clue as to why we brought you here...these watches, these 'evokers', are that clue.[/b]" The white rabbit said. "[b]...Evokers? ...Evoking what exactly?[/b]" Alice asked as she picked one up. Adam walked over and grabbed one for himself and one for Connor and Evette, tossing them to cop and psycho-lady. "[b]Weapons alone are useless here. Useless against what's heading our way anyways. These are the key to your survival here and will be what makes a weapon useful. ...Whatever you do, do not lose them. As the girl advises, we must leave here. They're coming for us as we speak. Follow me.[/b]" The White Rabbit said, just about answering Liz, Adrian, and Eve's concerns. He then looked up at the Cheshire Cat. "[b]Thanks again for the information.[/b]" He said. He then proceed to run off. "[b]Hey, wait a sec![/b]" Alice said as she ran after the rabbit, hoping to tell him not to run too fast so that no one gets left behind. Adam, in turn, looked to everyone, and to Cronic who apparently his annoyance of the situation to himself. "[b]...If you want to think about not wanting to be here, perhaps you should save it for when we're out of the woods.[/b]" He said. He then looked to the others and ran off after Alice. It was only a few seconds afterwards that Alice realized she was chasing a White Rabbit in Wonderland. "[i]Oh good god, this really is a joke on my name, isn't it?[/i]" She thought.