How's this? Name: Oliver “Ollie” Queen Age: 15 Alias: Green Arrow [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=]Page from Green Arrow #0[/url] [b]Costume:[/b] [img=] [b]Skills:[/b] A skill archer, Ollie is proud to boast he can hit anything up to nearly 300 yards without having to aim (though he is more likely to hit something closer to 95 yards). Knowledgeable about hand to hand combat, as Dinah made sure to drill it into him and made sure he could defend himself in reflex. He also has advanced fencing training, but he thinks poorly off it and prefers to keep his distance. He also has the kind of education one would expect from a wealthy family, his favourite subject is physics [b]Back-story:[/b] Spoiled when he was young, he grew up idolising Robin Hood and then Legolas. Legolas especially because he was blond. He also adored the superhero Black Canary, unaware for a long time that Dinah Lance worked as her father’s bodyguard. Ollie wanted to learn archery from a young age. His father wouldn’t let him have proper lessons until he was ten; his mother forced him to have fencing lessons with his friend Tommy. Oliver’s life changed when, while with his father aboard their Yacht, the ship was attacked by pirates. Oliver’s father Robert was killed in the attack. Dinah, who had been ordered to protect Oliver during the attack managed to drive the pirates off, exposing herself as Black Canary to young Oliver. The experience left him traumatized for months. Dinah helped him through it, even training him to be able to fight back. Once he was over the shock of his father’s death he was eager to work alongside Black Canary. Seeing there was no stopping him encouraged him to be the best shot he could be, if he was good with the bow, not only would he keep himself at a distance, but also provide cover for her. [b]How is this character different:[/b] In terms of the show, likely more in line of Roy Harper combined with Kid Flash, smart and gifted, but it’s hidden under a flirty jokester persona. Obviously Ollie is MUCH younger then he normally is. His relationship with Black Canary, who acts as his mentor, is more that of a schoolboy crush on his teacher, Dinah thinks it’s cute and hopes he’ll outgrow it. His mother, Moira Queen, knows of his activates and privately supports him. Also took some inspiration from Arrow. Canary herself is the same, just her day job is was as a bodyguard.