Ryan smiled in his wolf form. He, Thor, and Omni chuckled when she spoke in disbelief of her transformation. Ryan quickly ran over and stopped next to her as she took her first steps as a wolf. Ryan watched as she stumbled a little, and quickly reacted as she almost fell. But he stood back as she walked forward. Thor standing in front of her making sure she was okay. Ryan carefully watched as she stepped in the grass. Then she teased them. Ryan grinned and started after her. Ryan was quick in his wolf form, and Reagan was surprisingly quick as well. After a moment Thor and Omni joined in on the games. Ryan ran passed her and quickly turned on a dime to run right towards her. Then right as he reached a foot in front of her he jumped about 12 feet into the air over her. Ryan smacked into Omni. Both of them laughed as the rolled around on the ground, but as quickly as they started playing, they stopped. Ryan bolted after Reagan. His paws were so large and heavy they sunk down into the moist ground, and threw dirty, grass, and mud behind him. After a second Ryan pounced on Reagan. He brought her to the ground. He nipped at the back of her neck and rolled over pulling her on top of him. But she escaped from him. Ryan stood there for a moment and watched as she ran and played with Thor and Omni. After awhile of watching Reagan walked off. Thor and Omni smiled at Ryan. Ryan simply swished his tail in delight and followed Reagan from a little distance. Once she stopped on the cliff Ryan just watched as she changed back into her normal human form. Ryan trotted up and sat down next to her. After a moment he changed back into himself. His black hair was messed up, and his hand was still missing. Ryan smiled and looked out at the sun rise. "You're a beautiful wolf, just like you are as a woman. You did amazing my sweet." said Ryan softly. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "How did it feel? How do you feel now that you've made the first change?" Ryan looked at her and slid his hand to her and took her hand into his. His hand was covered in dirt. "Sorry about the dirt. One side of the change and playing is that you get dirty. But a little dirt never hurt any one now did it?" Ryan said as he began to chuckle through his smile. Ryan was defiantly in love. He was in love with Reagan, her smell, her eyes, her laugh, her smile, her hair, her wolf form. He was in love with being around her, the thought of spending his life with her. However, he wouldn't say it out loud. It scared him to be this much in love, because the last time he was in love, his love betrayed him and blinded him. Him head was spinning at this point. At this point, he didn't even was to admit to himself that he was this madly in love with another person.