Aiko giggled. Too bad; that was so close. It would've been funnier if he were asleep, and countless windows of opportunity would've opened for childish pranks and such...Well, whatever. Maybe next time. Presently Aiko began to twirl a lock of her hair in her fingers in sarcastic abashment, crooning, "Aww, you flatter me, Kenji-kun. I'm more of a solo-type though." One would think that Aiko was the type of person to join as many clubs as possible, but when it came to performance, she preferred being the main attraction. Groupwork didn't suit her, it seemed. The latter offer caused Aiko to raise her eyebrows. "Hm. 'Return the favor,' you say?" she repeated with a sly edge to her voice. "Color me intrigued, then. What do you mean by that?" +++ Breaker seemed particularly thoughtful at the moment; at least he tried to be polite to [i]certain[/i] other Egos. Meh. Staying formal was boring anyway. Crisis broke into a grin at the obligatory homeward statement, clicking her tongue. "Oh, Breaky. Just pretend this is your home for now. It's a rather stunning home, in any case." She nodded gratefully to Seraph as she took the first step. "And thank you, Lady Seraph. Your hospitality is greatly appreciated by [i]both[/i] of us, I'm sure." Crisis walked quickly to keep up with their guide's speed, though her eyes skimmed over the brick walls as they went; they seemed to hold a special kind of iridescence to them. It was certainly a special building; on the inside, it seemed hardly foreboding and more mystical, really. Even outside the context of watching Breaker's reactions, Crisis was starting to be glad she took Seraph up on the offer. The party's first stop was the lounge, as Breaker wanted [i]so[/i] badly to see, and Crisis was surprised to see other Egos inside the building. In the first place, it might have been foolish for her to assume that Ironclad, Midwinter's Envoy, and Quicksilver Seraph lived in the gigantic castle alone, but that tended to be the connotation when the doors of a fortress are opened and you are met not with an army but with a small number of Alter Egos. "Yes, lovely indeed," Crisis chirped, and bowed to the other two Egos in the room, regardless of whether or not they were looking. "And it's nice to meet the two of you lovely people as well! As for that last question..." Crisis looked over to Breaker with one eyebrow up, an amused smirk on her face. "I'm eager to see the rest of the place, but I feel as if Breaky here might want to look around the lounge he was oh so curious about."