A placid expression washed onto Ariel's face when Chiron started to speak. If Chiron believed the camp to be in danger, then it was a very worrisome thing indeed. She stopped walking when he finished speaking and nodded. "Of course, I shall go inform them all right away." With that, she pivoted around and ran off for the dining pavilion to see if there were still campers there. Unfortunately, many had departed already. Though it seemed Walker was still there, so she figured she would make a small detour. Coming to a walking stop in front of him, Ariel drew in a steadying breath. "Chiron is firm on the confinement, however you should have medical observation. Adrian can throw hard when he means to. I have been given a task by Chiron, but I wish to have you join my siblings and I in our cabin so I can make sure you truly have not sustained serious injury. Would you mind accompanying me as I go speak with each cabin?"