Cs Name: Kisame Gender: Male Age: 20 Appearance: [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/2em28wn.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/2gtbsw7.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Draco is a calm person who is always serious. He may be young, but he has fought in some of the more, recent wars. He doesn't care about himself, and strongly believes in destiny. He believes that everyone has a role to play and destiny has control of everyone's lives. He will do whatever it takes to stop any war that he comes across, his first approach, is always the peaceful way. He uses his smarts to figure out the best way to end the war when that fails. Bio: Draco has been in many wars and has been stopping everyone. He has always tried to handle things peacefully but that has never worked. He fought in his first war when he was only ten years old. It was a war against two nations. He couldn't handle it peacefully, so, he and his father defeated the two armies together and made them think sense. His second war was three years later, when he was thirteen. The next war was four years later, when he hit seventeen. His most recent war was last year, when he hit nineteen. Draco has stood by his father for his whole life, stopping wars together. The reason he believes it is his destiny to stop these wars, was because of his mother. She was a powerful sorcerer who took part in every war with his father, trying to bring forever lasting peace. She told him everyday, that he was going to be the bridge to peace. When he hit seven years of age, his mother died because of conflict. Her dying words were "You are the bridge to peace, stop these wars." Ever since, he has determined to bring peace, no matter what. Human Power: Energy manipulation. Animorph Power: Water and Ice Manipulation. Family: His only family is his father. Friends: He has none. Sentimental Attachment: The black collar which his mother gave him the day she died. Other: