It all began many centuries ago, when the world entered a new industrial age. It started with the discovery of the mysterious elemental ores known today as Etherium, a mineral with powerful properties, if consumed, fuels the individual with untold power at their bidding. Manifesting the worldly energies around the tip of their fingers, at their command. It was thought of as sorcery in it's simplest terms, and many ways, they are correct. The Ore itself is Magic in it's rawest form. Then as Civilizations grew more advanced, the curious soon discovered the ore was a perfect source of fuel for machines as well. Nearly replacing all other forms of fuel, ushering in a new age for the world of Adrius. Etherium soon became the driving force for the next millennium, and in that time, the world emerged anew, more prosperous then ever before, it seemed a Golden Age was to dawn on this new world. But, such things cannot last for eternity. Hard economic times have fallen, nations begun to squabble over Etherium Deposits, some even looking to the colonized moon of Qodra for salvation, by less then pleasant means. An Age of Strife has begun, and all out war is on the horizon, what actions will you take to survive these trying times? ----------------------------- As said, the rp's setting is magitech. The ore Etherium being the source of most fantastical magic and sorcery and the main resource of civilization. And to explain, the hybrid style role playing being that players have many options to play as. From a lone character, a small group of them, an Organization and even nations. You the players shall craft the world. Any questions? Interest? ------- [u]Sign-Up Sheets[/u] Nation Name: Government Type: Economy Type: Race(s): Leader(s): Persons of Importance: Military: Brief History: Other: Organization Name: Profession: Affiliation:(optional) Leader(s): Persons of Importance: Military and Civilian Assets: Brief History: Other: Name: Age: Gender: Race: Nationality: Profession: Affiliation:(optional) Brief History: Other: ----------- [b]Map of Adrius[/b] [img][/img] Gray-Blue: Crowned Republic of Esmaria [b]Map of Qodra[/b] [img][/img]