That's right, the never ending search for more role plays. Despite the fact that I've gotten a few off the ground now, I wish for more. I long to explore more worlds of our combined imagination and characters that spring forth from the depths of other writer's minds. So here I am again, trying to gather some more partners for yet another RP. I won't go into a whole long list of expectations and rules such as I did last time I posted an interest check, but I will simply tell you what I am looking for. My writing tends to be high casual leaning more on the advanced end of the spectrum. In other worlds, I am looking for posts that contain more than just action. I want to know what your character is thinking, why they just did what they did, their back story that made them who they are, the scenery around them, everything that gives the scene life. It is my goal as a writer to do so and I would appreciate the same effort in paying attention to detail in return. Decent use of proper grammar is also a must, but a mistake here and there is not something I am going to fret about, as I am not perfect either. Another quick note to make as well: add to the story. Don't just let me drag along the plot because once the damn thing's gotten bloodied, mangled, and old because I have nothing to work off of, I lose interest. This should be a story we create together and I am more than happy to converse out of character about details or ideas that one or both of us may have and open it up for discussion. All that said, I will now let you know what kind of stories I am interested in. As far as genres go, I'm fairly open to anything involving fantasy, from the harsher, more human-based worlds such as in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Fire and Ice series to more fantastical locations full of magic and otherworldly beasts. I'll work with either end of the spectrum or even somewhere in between. Regarding other genres, I am open to supernatural type role plays involving vampires, werewolves, etc. BUT! There will be no Twilight or any other teen drama. I am also open to post apocalyptic ideas, but perhaps we might stay away from zombies? I think zombies are a little overdone at this point. I will not do any type of role play that's just set in mundane, modern times with no unrealistic elements about it. Sorry, I write to get away from reality. I need something to the story that doesn't actually exist in order for it to interest me. If I still have your attention and your interest, please PM me with responses to interest in role playing. Edit: I suppose I should also inform you of what I will and won't do in a role play, as that can be the make it or break it for some. I am open to most mature themes. Violence and other adult themes are perfectly acceptable. I would also like to do the RP over PM, so anything goes in that case. I am a female and personally prefer to write female characters, but you might just catch me in the occasional mood where I've got a male character in mind I'm craving to write (An incident that a friend of mine ran into the other day - and I've got to say, he's shaping up rather nicely. My character, that is.). Romance is not a guarantee in my role plays, but it is something that has the potential to come into play IF I see it naturally happening between our characters. There will be no forcing it to happen, however. And even if there is romance, that will not be the only focus of the role play and there WILL be complications, fights, the whole spectrum of relationship issues because no relationship is perfect. I've been married to my husband for almost two years and we know this lesson well that not everything is going to be perfect. I hope that clears up any questions you may have had while reading my interest check about what I am willing to do and what I am not willing to do.