Sage sat on the bus, his blue-green eyes shut. It was silent all around him, which he was enjoying - especially after being harshly being kidnapped. He had been early to brunch, which was a rare occasion. Normally he went late, just to annoy and anger his greedy parents. He couldn't stand being around them. Not after that incident... He quickly shook his head, heaved a sigh, and began struggling to remember what had happened at brunch. He couldn't remember much, since it was all a fog. He knew he had gone to drink tea, and then everything had gone black. It was the weirdest shit. Nonetheless, he was able to realize he had been drugged, then kidnapped. But why? Was it because of his charming good looks? He acted arrogant, though he didn't care much for his looks. He wasn't absorbed with himself, unlike his parents. - The bus went over a bump, causing Sage to nearly jump through the roof of the bus and groaned once he came back down to earth. He really hated riding the bus, but he clearly had no other choice. He glanced around at the other teenagers on the bus, but there was nobody in his immediate surroundings. And if they were, they were either too terrified, asleep, or as he had discovered, rude. He'd asked a girl for a piece of gum upon seeing her take out mind bubblegum, which was his favorite, but she had rudely told him to "screw off and leave her alone". Perplexed and taken aback, Sage had replied with "There's no need to be rude", but she had turned up the volume on her iPod with her ear buds in her ear and ignored him. He hadn't bothered to try any harder, since he figured that there was no point. - He yawned tiredly, wishing he knew where he was going or had someone to talk to. It wouldn't be as painful, and he wouldn't be suffering in silence Not that he'd bother anyone about anything - but he'd certainly try to make friends. He sighed, slipping a thin book out of his pocket. He'd put it there before the kidnapping sicne he usually read during brunch, another tactic used to annoy his ever so lovely parents. Most people with his lifestyle wouldn't bother reading, seeing as they were rich. Surprisingly, Sage couldn't find it in himself to care too much for it. He busied himself with friends and sports, something he enjoyed. It wasn't too enjoyable ot have everything at his finger tips, especially if he had nobody to share it with. He'd been popular at his old school and had good friends, but he hadn't gone out often. He sighed, pushed his legs up to his chest, and started reading. As he did so, he caught his reflection ahead of him and looked for the first time since the kidnapping. - Tousled brown locks over his head and nearly touched his eyes. Tired, sea-blue and green eyes stared back, throwing his round face into perspective. He facial features were smooth and gentle, contrasting his height. He had sun-kissed skin from being outdoors, and muscle from swimming. He wore a short-sleeved dress shirt, jeans, and a pair of tennis shoes. He wished he hadn't worn the damn shirt, but he had to dress up since "it looked good". He could almost hear his mother telling him this and pushed the memory away fast. He shook his head ot clear his thoughts, and redirected them to his book.