Peter looked up at Serhan blankly, remembering that he could have just walked in. His cheeks turned pink and he looked down ashamedly, nodding. "R-Right. I'm sorry. But, uh, W-Wilhelm's got a bruise on his face. He said he was rough housing with Jaylin. He sent me to get meds, cause he doesn't want it to swell up and leave a mark. Have you got anything to give him for that?" Peter explained, stepping inside the clinic. A loud and sudden crash came from the back room, and Peter peered around Serhan in concern. Had something or someone fallen? He saw Yue lying facedown on the ground, clearly having tripped and fallen. "Uh, m-miss Yue? A-Are you okay?" he called out, his voice shaking. --- Looking at his reflection in the now empty cup, Wilhelm frowned, rubbing his sore cheek. Man, it was starting to turn purple! And he didn't even look that good in purple! Sighing, he picked up one of his magazines, lazily flipping through it as he sat at the desk. He enjoyed reading them, they gave him a little news on what was happening in the city. He liked Crescent town, but it was just so isolated from everywhere, it sometimes seemed like it was a world all it's own. Reading up on style helped remind him of the world he had left behind, for the sake of his life.