The inn could only be described in a word. Quaint. It permeated with comforting warmth that was much more welcome then the cold desert night. Magnus scanned the foyer with tired eyes, set ups of chairs and tables were occupied by all manner of people, drinking and eating and laughing and just pure enjoying themselves. He sighed, memories of the monastery coming back, the joyful laughter the smells of assorted beverages. He approached the inn keeper, limping badly, the pain in his leg growing more exsessive with each step. "excuse me, sir?" he called out at the man behind the counter, "I'd like a room and lodging for my horse if you don't mind.", Magnus watched through blood shot eyes as the inn keeper approached, seeming to take a lifetime but was only a few moments.  "that'd 1 gold for the 'orse and 1 for ya" he said cheerily as Magnus reached his hand into his pocket. Dread washed over Magnus, he could only feel one coin in his pocket, with heavy reluctance he dropped the coin on the counter. "just the stable in that case." he whispered defeatedly, has just staring blankly at the coin as it mocked him.  The inn keeper watched awkwardly as Magnus turned around and made his way back to the front door, limping deeply in an effort to avoid pain, "you can lodge in the stable if you like," he called to the slumped traveler "maybe I can arrange a meal.", Magnus was overwhelmed with joy. "thank you, sir! Thank you!" he creid out in happiness, a goofy smile plastered on his face he stepped out of the inn "today might just be my day." he said hopefully, then he tripper. A loud crunch followed and he swore as he reached into his bag and scratched himself on a peice of glass, he brought his finger to his nose and sniffed, the wafting odour if the medicine came from it. He sighed and went to the stable round back the inn, clutching Lelana's reins, pulling her gently as he went, the steady clopping of her hooves on the stone making him feel a bit better. He unsaddled her and walked her into her pen. "is this for me? I've never had one before!" she exclaimed looking around the pen, staring at the roof in wonderment. "you've never had a pen before?" he chucked light heartedly, he sat down on a hay bail and hugged himself, it was cold outside compared to the inn, the wind bringing the fridged feeling from the deserts surrounding the city. "never had a roof." she whispered, her eyes dropping to the floor, Magnus' heart wailed in pain at her words, he got off the hay bail and crossed the pen towards her, standing infront of her he could see the embarrassment in her eyes, the way she looked at the floor and nothing else, for the second time that night Lelana had melted his heart. He wrapped his arms around her head and nuzzled it, pulling her down to the ground where she could rest, she returned the nuzzling, her long matted mane brushing against his face. He stopped, someone was watching. "who's there?!"