Atina had made sure that all of the main offices, libraries, and studies were locked away--only to be opened by herself, the Empress, or the Emperor. She didn't want the Haze breaking into their information without breaking their necks in the process. The spell that she placed on the doors, windows, even the secret doors between the rooms would kill anyone who happened to break the seal. [i]I don't care how many of us die in the process of keeping that information safe...[/i] She thought in her dark mood as she slowly made her way to her small room on the fourth floor, which would have housed all of the Major Arcana, if any of the others had stayed before leaving and never returning. It was a lonely walk to the end of the hall, and her room was as silent as death itself. She packed everything that she could use for the journey and even some extra things that may prove useful, even a couple of ancient spell books that were written in ancient languages. If anything, she could perhaps find someone able to decipher the strange words. Then she made sure to lock her door and teleported to the stables, where she was greeted by several of the Minor Arcana. "Where do you think you're going, Priestess?" The King of Pentacles asked in his rough tone. She stared at him with her single ivy colored eye before she pretended as if she hadn't heard him. She began to saddle a horse and just as she was climbing onto it, the man grabbed her by her cloak and threw her onto the ground. The air had been knocked from her lungs and he and a few of his Court members stared down at her. She could feel them beginning to build up their own magic,drawing it into themselves so that they could use it. She wanted to call out, but the King kicked her in the ribs, cracking at least two of them before going for the brown box that held the ancient Tarot cards. Curling herself around it like it were a child, they began to kick and and try to pry it from her hands. She didn't call out, nor did she attempt to fight back until they believed that she had passed out. As the King reached down to swipe it away from her unconscious hands, there was a flare of magic that sent all of them flying into the stable walls and hay. Staggering onto her feet, she wiped the blood from her swollen lip and grimaced with pain as she felt her patched eye had been kicked to a swollen, bloody mess. She reached out her hand and made a symbol in the air that glowed a bright green before burning out. It was a memory spell that would make them think that there had simply been some trouble with a horse and it had gotten away. Then she made more bright green symbols in the air that would erase her from the memory of anyone who had ever laid eyes on her within the Tarot guild, excluding the Major Arcana. They would never know what she had done or would ever remember that she was their High Priestess. Despite herself, tears formed in her eyes as she slowly climbed onto the stallion that would be her mount for this journey. Riding down the empty streets, her cloak keeping her from being sighted as a woman with an eye patch, she made her way to the inn. Once she had reached the stables, she heard voices inside speaking--one of them Kyron's. [i]Damn it all... I don't want him to see me like this... I don't want him to know what I had to do to get out of there...[/i] Once the stallion had entered the stables, she felt her head begin to spin, dark spots danced before her eyes. [i]No... hold it together, Atina... don't be weak...[/i] But the moment that the horse came to a stop by the help of the stable boy, she slipped off the horse and landed on the ground with a small thud and a grunt. The boy quickly moved her horse into a stall before rushing over to help her up. She coughed up a bit of blood as she stood up, looking over to Kyron and the other newcomer, who was just as beat up as she. With a rush of lightheaded disbelief, she reached p and tore her eye patch from her face, revealing the iris that glowed like an emerald. The other man glowed like a firefly in complete darkness, not even outshone by Kyron's own glow. She started walking over, holding the box out to the other man, ignoring Kyron, and said, [b]"Open this box... and pick up the top card..."[/b]