80% compleated installing! Oh how lily wished her computer wasn't a old hunk of junk. She was hoping that such a new and unique game such as Sburb would even be able to run on her old machine. She could always spend some of her money on a new PC rather than more crafting supplies and comic books but the chances of that seemed unlikely till old rusty here actually broke down. She sighed as she watch the loading screen tick away attempting to rend the game onto her hard drive as quickly as the poor old machine could. Most kids her age could perhaps go for a walk or enjoy weather outside, but lord knows that was not her luck. She looked to the window where a dozy of a snow storm was blowing about. She was simply praying her power wouldn't get knocked out and her fun with friends wouldn't be cut short. She Did have enough time for starting to finishing any of her current crafting projects either. She was stuck in the proverbial entertainment limbo, little to do but s it and wait and pray that your Cuz wasn't out snow boarding in this weather. Though there was likely a 50 percent chance she was, and an ever great chance she was fine. Much like an extreme surfer sometimes dares the dangers of an oncoming hurricane to catch a massive wave, so was her Cousin and snow storms sometimes. 'The freshest powder is the one that hasn't even touched the ground yet!' She were unsure if that was her Cuz being metaphorical or if she actually had some crazy ass snow board that made it so she could board on snow that was still in the air. She honestly wouldn't but either past her Cuz. So the lily sat and waited. Should length, curly red hair waving slightly in the gentle gusts of warm air from her heater and blue eyes trained on the painfully slow progress of her loading. She let out a great sigh and through her hands in the air, she didn't even have a nice fresh trade copy of She-Hulk or Super Man to page through to pass the time. She stood up and straighten her dress out before rummaging through the many loose papers and half finished projects in here room. Her phone was here somewhere, if she was going to sit here and do nothing least she could do was chat with a friend or two. She wasn't going to risk slowing her CPU's load up by running a pester client on it, so her phone, where ever it was in her mess of crafts and comics of a room, was her only lifeline at the moment. "AH!" she exclaimed moving a pile of origami birds aside and lifting up her phone in a triumphant fashion. She hopped onto her bed, causing a few paper mache turtles and a couple of tray issues of Wonder Woman fall to the ground. -continuesCrafter has logged on Mobile- "And now we wait...see if any friends want to chat." she said to herself, though well aware that she was just as likely to instigate a conversation if none of them bit the bait.