[center][u]Outside Male Dorms[/u][/center] [i]“I am not invited…I can’t go—uh, don’t mind me though. You should go, I insist.”[/i] Raven smiled, genuinely. [i] “I was looking for someone…but I would be happy to escort you two back. It’s no problem.”[/i] Not invited? Tyler raised an eyebrow. Before he could ask, though, the other guy – Liam – said something about having to do something beforehand, and then just left. Puzzled, Tyler frowned. “That’s weird,” he muttered, “What could he possibly have to do? He’s already dressed… ” Just about tired of all that the strange college had presented him with on only the first day, Tyler glanced back at Raven, fully prepared to politely deny her offer to escort him. But something made him pause. “Wait a minute,” he said, almost to himself, but turned accusing eyes on the other girl as he continued “You’re dressed as though you’re heading to a ball.” He was not wrong, her dress – though very different – was far too formal for a walk outside the dorms or any evening she could have planned with whomever she was waiting on. Plus, she was also wearing a mask – one that he just knew wasn’t some strange fashion statement. “Don’t lie to me,” Tyler frowned, knowing he had her beat, “You’re even wearing a mask.” Pursing his lips, the younger studied the older, recalling how fidgety and nervous she had been before, when those girls had been here. At first, he attributed it to the fact that they clearly knew each other and might have history, but then he remembered how she wouldn’t even look him nor Liam in the eye. Suddenly, her happy demeanor seemed a very odd change. Curious, Tyler tilted his head. “Do you not want to go?” he inquired.