"Stop it, mom!" Sakura beat a wing against her mother's nose. Trying to avoid her mother's grasp Sakura leaped backwards and crashed into a random tree. Naturally it didn't hurt at all, but she proved her point. "I'm not a baby anymore, mom! I'm nearly able to get a partner, so shush! You don't need to wash me anymore!" Sakura huffed a bit shuffling her wings. "Aw, honey. I'm sorry." Her mother walked a bit closer and snuggled her a bit. "I have to remember that you're a grown girl now. I can still remember how you were prancing around in the fields as a little one with all your friends." As gently as you would think a mother would be. she smiled. "However, I can still send you to bed. So get your cute dragon butt sleeping. If you want you can sleep somewhere else. I reckon you want to sleep under your favourite tree again tonight?" A little bit calmer now, Sakura nodded. "Good night, mom." She turned around and walked towards the tree she had spent so many hours underneath training and reading and dreaming. "Oh, 'Kura, Mori wanted me to tell you, he wants to do some adventuring with you, if the humans allow it" Not turning around Sakura grinned. Going on adventure with Mori, the forest dragon, was always pretty exciting and fun. She also loved hanging out with him as he was an overall pretty fun and chill guy to be with. And that's saying a lot, since most male dragons in her colony, especially around ten years old, the age Sakura was, were pretty often nasty and mean. Oftentimes some would even hurt Sakura downplaying the incident as "Just playing" or "training for duels". Nevertheless, Sakura liked her life, although she asked herself from time to time, and with increasing frequency, how life as a partner dragon would be. Apparently dragons chosen as a partner developed the skill of giving themselves a pretty much human form. Just the fangs and very colourful eyes remained, sometimes markings on the head, too. She shrugged and curled up beneath the tree eagerly awaiting the next day to come. But everything turned out way different than she imagined. In the middle of the night she got startled by something bumpy disturbing her heavy sleep. When she tried to open her eyes, she could she that her muzzle was wrapped into a bag or something. Through the material of the bag, Sakura spotted the outline of a person, a human who was currently carrying her. Now fully awake she started struggling and tried to speak up and complain. "Mmmmmhhhh!" [i]'Dang it! My muzzle is taped shut' [/i] "Mhh mhh mhmmmhh mh mhhmhhm!" In theory she wanted to shout [i]'Would you untie my muzzle!'[/i] but, of course, she found herself unable to. Now she had to wait until the abductor paused and maybe freed her muzzle. She'd have a telling-off with him that would shatter even a Yakuza-boss' heart of stone. [i]'Just you wait, you little bugger!'[/i]