[!!! I HEAR VOICES IN MY HEAD, THEY TALK TO M-!!!] Devon sighed, flipping onto his feet and jogging over to his bathroom. The boy quickly turned on the tap, grabbing a large, fluffy white towel off of the stand, before throwing it in the sink - right into the large puddle of fresh spring water that was already beginning to pool up. He had reached his quota for the day - no more exercising until his muscles rebuilt themselves...at least, that's what his butler told him time and time again once he came upon the teenager punching the stuffings out of a man-sized teddy bear, whilst in a cast. "Man that feels good." He gurgled, face-deep into the sink filled with cold water. Devon threw his head back, feathery black hair, now wet, slapping water against the marble walls. He grabbed the cold, wet, fluffy white towel from the sink, casually throwing it over his shoulder as he exited his bathroom and went back to his computer desk. Navigating through his Hellion-brand laptop settings, Devon quickly opened PesterChum again, clicking on the chat that was basically blaring extremely loud rock music. He really needed to change his notification sounds... [SO]: Nope. Not yet. [SO]: Stupid mailman hasn't arrived yet, dude's always on his own schedule. [SO]: I guess that's cool and all to not have a set schedule, but the point still stands. [DK]: gotcha. -- deviantKing [DK] ceased pestering spasticOstrich [SO] at ??:?? -- Devon sighed, collapsing into his chair and placing his wrapped foot on top of his desk. Now that his daily training/workout was finished, the teen really didn't have anything to do other than head to the closest gym and spar...but that would be going against protocol. Maybe mall shopping? Flirt with some chicks? He was pretty handsome, in his extremely humble opinion, with his silky black hair and cool crimson eyes....but...nah. Too boring. 15 year old girls were generally either emo or too preppy...or, worst of all, the ones who talked about how random they were. Bruuuh. [!!! YOU'VE GOT THE TOUCH.....YOU'VE GOT THE POWAAAAH !!!] Okay, that specific notification wasn't that bad sounding. Leaning forward, Devon began tapping on his keyboard, bringing up his PesterChum once more and checking on who got online. "continuousCrafter..." He murmured, clicking on the account. She was a nice friend, he guessed. A bit too nice for his mellow, fiery badassery, but not too bad. A pretty cool chick. -- deviantKing [DK] began pestering continuousCrafter [CC] at ??:?? -- [DK]: hey, CC [DK]: guess what [DK]: poppa got the hook-up, check it. SBURB is currently... Devon smirked, flicking in the disk, and grinning when the bar began loading at an extremely fast speed. [DK]: almost finished. how has your day been? He couldn't help but put a bit of his standard cheekiness into the last sentence.