No, it's all good, haha. It was just a misunderstanding on my part and I'm very happy with my characters. Everything you wrote was also fine with me, and I didn't have a problem planning mine. I think the majority of their personalities are going to come from the story itself. That's what I was thinking too! Him surviving is going to create new hurdles as well, like hospital bills and recovery in general. I need to do some research about cancer and make sure I know what I'm going to be writing about. I was also thinking, just for the conflict, maybe along the way they could go into one of the towns and we could have the cliche jealousy going on with locals hitting on the girls? Where did you want to start them off, btw? I was thinking somewhere along the east coast, like Florida or North Carolina, maybe New Jersey or a suburb in New York? and then where do you want them to go and end up?