[hider=Vel Nardocs Army] Current General: Vel'Nardoc Location: Border Between Northern Spain and France Morale: 100% Unit Breakdown: /// Dragons/5/ Lorenvolk Soldiers/4000/Superior Warriors = +15% to human casualties//+10% to Gorikan casualties Lorenvolk Soldiers(Bows)/500/Superior Warriors = +15% to human casualties//+10% to Gorikan casualties Current Action- Preparing for an offensive or defensive as necessary [/hider] [Hider=Elis Sara Legions] Current General: Elis'Sara Location: Border between Northern and Southern Spain Morale: 100% Unit Breakdown: /// Lorenvolk Soldiers/1750/Superior Warriors = +15% to human casualties//+10% to Gorikan casualties Lorenvolk Soldiers(Bows)/250/Superior Warriors = +15% to human casualties//+10% to Gorikan casualties Current Action- Constructing Fortresses in the south. [/hider] [hider=Vel Lisk Legion] Current General: Vel'Lisk Location: Portugal Morale: 100% Unit Breakdown: /// Lorenvolk Soldiers/750/Superior Warriors = +15% to human casualties//+10% to Gorikan casualties Lorenvolk Soldiers(Bows)/250/Superior Warriors = +15% to human casualties//+10% to Gorikan casualties Current Action- Invading Portugal [/hider] [Hider= Vel Lisk Militia] Current General: Vel'Lisk Location Portugal Morale: 100% Unit Breakdown: /// Human Militia(swordsmen)/4000/ Human Militia(archers)/500/ Human Militia (spearmen)/500/ Current Action- Invading Portugal [/hider] [B]Northern Spain, Empire of Vyrndar, Outside Toledo.[/b] It was an unfortunate fact that the buildings of humanity were poorly suited to hold the new masters of the land. Few human buildings could house the Lorenvolk at all and every fewer were able to do so comfortably. It was to this end that outside of the city humans labored, overseen by beings who towered above them to construct what would in time be a place built to the scale of the Lorenvolk themselves. While the work was mostly uneventful from time to time a human would be signaled out, perhaps for not working hard enough and then the whips would fall. It was true that the Lorenvolk had not been proponents of such practices as slavery in the eons of their long existence upon Gorika, regardless of the foolish beliefs held by the high elves and others, however with the situation as dire as it currently was the humans had been rapidly enlisted in the process of construction, a process that was being mirrored throughout the area of land that they now controlled. But while the Lorenvolk friendly area was slowly taking shape through the labor of humans and the command of their new masters there was another sight that dominated the horizon outside of the city. Ancient pillars of crystal that had never been seen upon this world before now rose from the ground outside the city. Crystals arranged in a pattern that could almost be believed to be a staircase, a series that steadily increased in height before reaching a peak and ceasing high in the sky. For when the portals had brought through the Lorenvolk the Crystal stair had been swallowed up as well, perhaps by the will of she who they believed had crafted the portals that allowed them to flee. And at the foot of the Crystal stair knelt a being clad in armor that gleamed like gold but was yet different, armor that echoed the form of one who the humans of the Northern Spain were rapidly becoming familiar with. The High King of Vyrndar, the being who claimed to be the son of Maev'Sil'Vien, knelt alone before the holy relic of his goddess. His whispered words were unintelligible but many would take his mannerisms as an indication that the man was praying. His guards kept to respectable distance, standing back from the sacred conduit by which their goddess had descended in ages past but still close enough to ensure that nothing should happen to their lord. Just behind the guards stood others of power among the Lorenvolk who had made it through the portals, members of the high priesthood in their white and gold ornate garb, Elis'Sara daughter of Vel'Nardoc himself clad in the royal fabric spun by the great spiders of their old land, and the generals of old Vyrndar. The whispered prayers to their goddess continued for many long moments before at last Vel'Nardoc rose from his position at the foot of the stair and beckoned for the others to draw near to him. At his gesture they approached. As they drew close all, even Elis'Sara and the high priest of Maev'Sil'Vien bowed low before their King. Though it seemed he was little mood for such formalities. "Rise for there is much that we must do." His voice commanded and they obeyed. "Has she spoken to you my King? Has the long silence ended?" The high priest asked with clear hope written upon his face. But his answer was only a silent shake of the head. "Our Mother saved us from the fall of the old world and delivered us to this new one. But she has not spoken." The Priest then continued. "Perhaps she is not pleased with the lack of a truly worthy place of worship?" "Perhaps." Was Vel'Nardoc's reply as he turned his gaze from the priest to his daughter. "Elis'Sara you will take Lir'Venk and his legions south. But you will not pass beyond the lands we have claimed. Enlist our newest subjects and build defenses along the border.The shock of these independent human nations will not last long and even these tiny ones can be a threat if they unite." "Yes Father." Came the reply as Elis'Sara bowed her head to his commands, the gold of her hair much like her father's before the white had begun to creep in. "I will make sure we are unassailable from the south." "I do as you wish my king." Lir'Venk spoke as well, the smaller than average Lorenvolk standing only 13 feet as one of the shortest of the gathering. "Vel'Lisk we must test the mettle of these humans that you have insisted make suitable soldiers. You and a single legion shall march west with your human recruits. Conquer this 'Portugal' in the name of her holy light and prove your humans true warriors." The High King's gaze had swept onward again to fall on Vel'Lisk, the aging man had long been one of Ve'Nardoc's favored generals and it was for this reason that his belief that humans could serve as soldiers alongside Lorenvolk was being tested. "It is my honor to be provided this opportunity my king." Came the reply before silence fell once more. "A new city, greater than Vol'Kariz itself shall rise. A new empire shall be born upon this world. We shall not falter, we shall not fail, we shall never fall. For such is her promise. We are the children of Maev'Sil'Vien and we are born to rule. I shall go north for it is said that the humans there gather against us."