[i]Residencial Los Angeles 9:00am[/i] Unwavering, the side of Leonard's mouth just twitched at the mention of his son. Combined with his haggard face, he looked more dead than alive, but still somehow managed to gather his senses enough to show in the PI with a simple hand motion. They both entered the house, and he silently clicked the door shut. It was a humble home, with knickknacks and simple furniture doting the place. They both sat at the table in the kitchen, with Leonard looking down at his hands, sitting calmly in his lap. After a long silence, he finally spoke, still watching his hands. "My son had never been like this before. He was just an ordinary kid. He chased girls, tried to get into college, and hung out with his friends. Just a normal kid, like anyone else. Then, a few days ago..." Leonard clenched his jaws, and his hands became fists, balled white. "He left his computer on, that morning. Was in a rush to get to school, for some reason. I went into his room, when I saw it on, to turn it off. He'd left it on a game called Synapse Surge. Some sort of racing game, from what Adrian told me. On the screen, there were chat messages, from a friend called DreyerTofu322. They were discussing some sort of forum, about hacking. Needed Adrian to do something..." The grieving father ran his hands over his face, tired and extremely agitated. "Then, I got a call. said I need to go to the high school right away. My son was in danger, apparently. Then... Well, you read the news, right? People still do that? You know the rest of the story." Leonard looked up, his eyes red and wet. "I want you to find out what drove my son to do what he did that morning. He'd never do anything like that. I don't know if he was on drugs, or in a gang, whatever. I just need to know. Please."