Konoha had become barren; nearly devoid of life and happiness under the rule of the Empire, even some of Konoha’s happier individuals had found it difficult to maintain smiles after so long. The occupation was met with minor complications over time. While every clan more or less had the ability to contain themselves, individual members had often been unable to contain their displeasure for the Empire and fights had ensued on a small scale for the past six months. Some of the more unruly and vocal had been subject to one of the Empire’s strongest individuals, Nikuya, and beaten into submission. She was very vocal and proud as a shinobi, and always brought the enemy to their knees. Were it not for an outright revolt by the comrades of those she harmed, she might’ve killed those people. Luckily, Kaede Hyuga had always been there to heal their wounds. The wounded pride they carried was a different story. Walking through the calm streets of Konoha, the village was casual. People walked about on business and were mindful of the patrolling Imperial soldiers, yet ultimately kept composure and minded their own business. Laughs were here and there, good friends were still able to see one another, and children were still thrilled with the prospect of being treated for good behavior. No matter how it looked, none of it felt truly natural anymore. For the sake of the children, parents had to try to remain happy about things as they were so they weren’t bothered. Kaede could see how things really were beneath this façade they had to put on. All seemed well and good until a soldier had passed by them. Escorting her to the Uchiha compound were a pair of middle-aged men from her own clan, both happened to be of the Branch family. Try as she might to assure them that there was no need for an escort, her family had insisted that this be done, especially considering what tonight meant. The stories of the Leaf’s Guardian Angel had lessened in time, all for the sake of protecting her identity. With her technique’s scope of healing making her a skilled part of her generation, the Empire could benefit from holding her. She was one of the advantages the Rebels had in secret, and she was one of the reasons why the fighting was able to continue for so long before the Empire had eventually gone out. She kept the men and women up as their enemies went down, and with her aid to the other medic-nin she had seen an advancement in the ninja world. She had kept low and under the radar, as was the order of the Rebel leader in the Land of Fire Kenji Uchiha himself. From what was going around in hushed whispers among the most trusted of his subordinates, tonight was the night that at last Konoha would see itself freed. Guarding the compound were two Uchiha who greeted her politely. [b]“Lady Kaede.”[/b] [b]“A pleasure, Lady Kaede.”[/b] She felt she’d never get used to such a title. Blushing and smiling to herself, Kaede bowed her head as she passed by in thanks for their greeting. Whatever pride or prejudice the clans that helped found Konoha had, it was all erased thanks to a common enemy. If she would thank the Empire for anything, it was that they brought her people together. Hyuga were proud and elegant as a clan, Kaede would admit that it sometimes held them back in the past. As the heir to the Main family, she hoped that once this was all over the Hyuga would see their comrades in a better light. The compound was quiet, and a majority of the Uchiha she expected to see were in a hurry. Traveling in groups of three, Kaede passed by multiple members of other clans: Nara, Akimichi, Yamanaka, Aburame, and others were in a hustle to get word around and quickly. By the time both she and her escort had arrived outside of the main estate of the Uchiha Clan’s acting leader and Hokage, Kenji Uchiha was surrounded by two dozen individuals both with clan’s and without. The dark-haired man held a commanding presence about him, and ever since he had regretfully failed in stopping the Empress together with the Mizukage he had abandoned his cloak that denoted him as the 4th Hokage of the Hidden Leaf. As of now, he held a common jounin outfit, although his headband was currently missing from his attire. In short time his eyes had come across her, and that focused stare filled to the brim with tactical intensity softened. [b]“Lady Kaede, it’s good to see you. Are you looking for Natsumi?”[/b] [b]“Yes, actually,”[/b] Kaede looked around shortly. [b]“Is Makoto around?”[/b] Kenji looked over his shoulder at a couple of his fellow clan members who shrugged their shoulders. His attention returned to her. [b]“Last we’ve heard she’s been in her home all day …something about a breakthrough with her Kekkei Genkai. She wouldn’t let anyone in to see her, but she promised she was alright. Natsumi’s inside for you. Are you prepared?”[/b] [b]“More than prepared. Thank you for your concern.”[/b] Kaede bowed her head low, and allowed her two escorts to join the group convening with the 4th. Kenji Uchiha, even in Konoha’s darkest hour, had held strong in the face of impossible odds. The Empress had, as Kaede saw it, underestimated the strength of the Will of Fire within the Hidden Leaf and it appeared it would cost her dearly. Everything was leading up to something big, and Konoha’s revolt would be only the start. Leaving the briefing to the Hokage, Kaede quietly entered the Uchiha estate and looked around. The 4th’s wife didn’t appear to be present, nor did she immediately see much sign of Natsumi, but shuffling in the back rooms had drawn Kaede closer inside. [b]“Natsumi? Hello?”[/b] ~-~ [b]“Tonight’s the night.”[/b] An ANBU-masked shinobi of the Hidden Leaf uttered in near disbelief as he joined alongside a comrade of similar status and attire. Together the two had returned from a lengthy journey to Kirigakure in preparation of the upcoming revolt against the Empire’s occupation, and had reached the desired window on return. It was a shame that they had to sneak back into their own village given that travel was extremely prohibited, but this uneasy peace had made the Empire much too lazy to keep track of the comings and goings of Konoha’s finest elite shinobi unit. Though these two were exhausted, the man that had led them skillfully through patrols across the Land of Fire and gotten them past multiple garrisons didn’t appear to be winded whatsoever. In fact, the man seemed proud to return knowing that this village, his village, would soon be freed. Takeo Watanabe, mentor and father-in-law of the 4th Hokage and Grandfather of the Nine-Tails of the Hidden Leaf, didn’t appear as winded or weary as his two subordinates. He shared their negative feelings on having to sneak around to reenter Konoha, but if all went well that was going to change tonight in not just one village, but two. This had taken weeks on weeks of careful planning and agreement among the various villages. Kumo, Iwa, and Suna were not happy to know that they would need to endure just a little longer, but they had reluctantly put their faith in the 4th Hokage’s strategy, and the son of the 5th Mizukage who acted as a temporary leader within the village, holding his father’s intellect and careful nature. [b]“A lot of care and consideration went into this strategy, so we can’t afford to lose. We [i]won’t[/i] lose.”[/b] Takeo looked over his shoulder towards the two ANBU that had accompanied him. Upon his stare they had seemed to straighten up further, respecting his abilities as a shinobi and a leader. [b]“I understand you’re tired …get some rest if you must, but you know where you’ll need to be when the time comes. Dismissed.”[/b] [b]“Sir!”[/b] [b]“Sir!”[/b] And like that, the pair had scattered off, either to report to the 4th during his quick overview of the plan ahead or eat a meal that didn’t consist of rations. Alone he stood atop the monument to the Hokage of the past and present that helped keep Konoha strong, particularly Hashirama Senju’s head. From above he could see various individuals traveling; common villagers were still about, but among the typical patrols of Imperial soldiers came several groups of various shinobi walking about to their individual holdings. They were taking care not to appear too suspicious in spite of what was going to go down tonight, and that implied they knew the weight of what was to come. Kenji, his former student and son-in-law, had truly grown up since his genin days. Silently making his way down the mountain via the steps that led up to it, Takeo wasn’t interested in showboating with a disrespectful slide down the faces of predecessors far greater than himself. The urge to see his child and grandchild was heavy in his heart, but one last walk through the village wouldn’t have hurt. Passing a flower shop and through various clan compounds, his return was met with hushed enthusiasm of various members of the rebellion in secret. From Aburame to Yamanaka, Takeo had told them what his amused stare should’ve done already: Tonight was the night. Several minutes of casual walking with a relaxed arm resting on his sword, he had seen a small gathering of shinobi at one of the ramen stands, particularly Ichiraku’s. It was a modest stand, but Teuchi and his daughter had given good honest work to make a living filling the stomachs of others. Parting the curtains leading within, Teuchi had given Takeo an immediate hearty greeting. [b]“Well, if it isn’t the Commander!”[/b] Holding up a hand in modesty, Takeo shook his head. Despite what fame his skills and age have brought him, being referred to as ‘Commander’ still felt strange to him despite leadership roles he had taken over the years. Hell, it took him a few months to get used to ‘sensei’ back when his first and last team, Squad Six, was active. [b]“It’s Takeo to you Teuchi. How’s your daughter?”[/b] [b]“Ayame? Oh, she’s doing swell, we both are. Truth be told business has been a little slow today, but you’ve more than made up for it!”[/b] Teuchi leaned over the counter and moved his left hand over his mouth. Takeo knew what was coming. [b]“Have you reconsidered marrying Ayame? You know she has a small crush on you, and—“[/b] [b]“Dad,” [/b]Ayame popped her head out of the back room where Teuchi had kept most of his supplies for running. Although she had admired Takeo as a shinobi and as a man, she wasn’t sure about the idea of marriage, and her father always made sure to tease her about it. [b]“I don’t think Mr. Watanabe came here to hear you try to pitch me to him!”[/b] a blush was bright on the girls face regardless. [b]“What, I would never!”[/b] Teuchi recovered, leaning back and laughing and Takeo had joined in. If he didn’t know any better, it was as if these two had no idea where he had been. They did good work. [b]“Now, what can I get you?”[/b] [b]“Eh, surprise me …nothing too filling.”[/b] [b]“Coming right up!”[/b] Takeo nodded and glanced towards the only other pair within this stand. A woman he had recognized as a member of the opposing faction to the Empire, and a man who was unaffiliated with anyone whatsoever. Konohagakure’s network of information had never run dry even after the Empire had taken a hold of it, and Takeo made it a habit to get to remember the face of just about everyone who was and wasn’t in this fight. He looked to Matsuka, and grinned at her, not hiding his amusement at the current situation regardless of what they were talking about prior. [b]“Matsuka, I didn’t take you for a cougar. He barely looks like he’s half your age.”[/b]