[img] http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110208022546/marveldatabase/images/e/e1/James_Proudstar_%28Earth-TRN016%29_promo.jpg[/img] Whitch Name: Dyami (mean eagle) Age: 500 (appears 20) Personality: strong willed and wise he exerts an air of power around him. But beneath that he isn’t all that rough. His age has dulled his interest in humanity greatly. Powers: as a Witch he has magic of course. Nature magic- conjuring of the elements. He cannot create an element ouf of nothing. Fire he can ignite the air. And hair is always present but earth must be present and water must be present. He can combine these to create other effects like lightning or control plant growth. Spirit magic- his history as a native American medicine man has allowed him to master spirit magic. With this he can commune with nature spirits by calling upon the totem animals for guidance. He can combine this with his nature magic to make miniature creatures from clay. Healing magic: he is an expert at healing magic, he cant regrow missing limbs or organs or anything like that. But sicknesses and normal wounds are easy Weakness. He cannot heal himself. Spirit magic requires a long chant. And nature magic is bound to the laws of nature. So no underwater fire. or winds that cut through things.