[center][h1]Citadel of the Supreme One: Ultimatum Sanctuary[/h1][/center] [center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/jadensadventures/images/0/07/C80-Asgard_front_coast2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140620070558[/img][/center] [h2][center][i]This world is small. Tied to the fates of numerous others.[/i][/center][/h2] The masked man stood in the shadows. Watching. Waiting. His presence undetected by those of a lower existence. His hiding spot was simply the backside of a large column. One of many actually. The massive hallway led to the chamber of The Superior herself. The Heroine of the World. Sachiro Harime. Giant golden doors blocked the one and only entrance way to her chambers, sealing its many secrets within as well. Numerous and intricate paintings and works of art covered the walls and roofs. Some depicted epic war scenes, while others were replicates of essential historical documents. And still, some were simply a mish-mash of sorts, gleaming with bright colors and vibrant emotion. Marble flooring streamed by silver carpet completed the image. This was the epitome of perfection. The fruits of mankind's Lahore and turmoils against time and destiny. This was the Ultimatum. Keepers of the World. How amusing. The masked shadow who addressed himself as Jester the Magix Man waited patiently high up his pillar, his body half-submerged in the structure. Blood red eyes narrowed as he directed his attention on a new arrival. A woman with long crimson hair and an equally crimson suit of armor. He didn't have to see to already know that a small bible-like object was bound to her side protectively. Her Tome. To only a select few, this woman was know as Yuki Natsuko. To the world, she was addressed as Asgard, the Crimson Knight of the Four Knights of Ragnorak. A meeting was to be held in The Superior's presence. It would consist only of a council between her fellow knights and Jester. As such, Yuki was determined to be the one to arrive first. She waited now, standing at ready in front of the massive gates. Bored with this query, Jester expanded his scoop until he could sense another. A being that sought "freedom" as well as those who would die for him to achieve it. The Librarian. Ah yes...their little rebel group weren't far....actually quite close to the Citadel. An attack? Perhaps. But would Jester raise the alarm? Ah, now that was the question of the hour. [h2][center][i]And so the wheel of fate turns once again...[/i][/center][/h2]